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As the sun descended from the sky, the entire atmosphere took a severe left turn. A once great adventure to meet the Wizard turned dark and sinister, as pitch black covered the land. Our heroes could feel their hearts beat rapidly in their chests, as they slowly crept their way through the heavily wooded, the scariest region of Oz: The Haunted Forest.

An array of creepy sounds and animal noises was all that could be heard, other than their own shaky breathing. Dorothy, Tin Man, Scarecrow, Lion and even Little Toto weren't much better, walking shakily through the forest. But they did not go in unprepared: Tin Man held his axe at the ready along with a giant wrench, Scarecrow had a little silver revolver, and Lion brought a huge butterfly net and a mallet. Twilight, Spike, and their friends followed close behind them, looking around. Fluttershy clung very close to Rarity, hiding her face in her mane so as not to see all the spooky things.

"Don't you worry about a thing, Fluttershy dear," Rarity consoled her friend. "I'm right beside you."

"So, let me get this straight," Rainbow spoke, unbelievably. "Lion's plan is to catch the Wicked Witch... With a 'butterfly net'?"

"Don't see how that there's gonna do much good 'gainst her magic," Applejack agreed. "Not like she'll just stand idly by and let 'im capture her."

"Good thing we've still got magic on our side," Twilight points out. "After all, it's eleven of us against one of her, right?"

"Hopefully we do better than the last time we took her on," Pinkie replied. "I still got that feeling my flank from the last meeting; I'd sure like to lose it right now."

"No sweat, Pinkie," Rainbow smiled, confidently. "Sure we weren't ready, but now that we know what we're up against that Witch is going down tonight!"

As they all continued down the path, they stumbled upon an old sodden sigh with a rather creepy smiling face pointing to the West. On the sign, it read:

Haunted Forest

Witch's Castle 1 mile

I'd turn back if I were you

Every pony leaned close for a good hard look at the sign.

"I'd turn back if I were you," Lion read aloud.

Lion nods quickly and turns around to leave, but Tin Man and Scarecrow quickly stop him.

"Oh no, mister," Twilight scolds. "You're not sneaking off again; we're seeing this through to the end."

Every member of the group nod their heads, in unison. Despite his very cowardly instincts, Lion reluctantly agreed to go on. He starts growling loudly a few times, hoping to intimidate any creatures in the woods. Suddenly, the sound of screeching caused them to turn and spot two red-eyed owls on the branch of a tree. Lion suddenly panicked and turned away running, but soon found himself stuck in a magic purple aura as his legs kept running.

"Put me down!" He cried. "Put me down! Please put me down!"

"Sorry buddy!" Rainbow shook her head. "You're sticking with us no matter how chicken you are!"

Twilight reels Lion, who was still crying and shaking, back toward the rest of the group. It didn't get any better when they spot two red-eyed crows looming off another tree.

"From now on, we're on enemy ground," Tin Man informs. "You ponies should have something to protect yourself with."

"Already planned ahead, darling," Rarity said, showing a spray bottle. "The gentleman at the store were nice to give me this Witch Remover!"

"Does it work?" Dorothy asked.

"No, Dorothy," Applejack shook her head. "That there's just some fancy-pants perfume bottle."

Cinematic Adventures: The Wizard of OzWhere stories live. Discover now