His Hoodie

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Sorry, it took so long for me to update this. Is anybody still reading it? Anyways, I hope that you guys would enjoy this little update.

"Oh Tikki, I'm so stressed! The design has to be submitted next week! And I'm not even half done! What am I going to do? Gabriel Agreste would totally hate me and I won't ever be able to work in his prestigious company!" Marinette all but screamed in panic and she slapped both her palms against her cheeks.

"Don't worry Marinette, you'll figure something out, you always do" Tikki said placing her tiny hands on her holder's cheeks while rubbing the redness away soothingly and pressing her tiny forehead against Marinette's.

"Thanks, Tikki, you always know the right things to say," Marinette said feeling much relieved, before sneezing for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"Knock knock Princess, may I come in?"

"Hide Tikki," And with just a single nod, the Ladybug Kwami disappeared in a flash of red.

Marinette stood up to let a certain little kitty in.

"Chaton, whatcha doing here?" Marinette asked, glad to have another distraction from her impending doom.

"Well, I've come to see you, my beautiful Princess,"

"Aww Chat, that's so swee- AHCHOO!" What Marinette was about to say was cut off by her inevitable sneeze.

"Sorry Kitty, I didn't mean to sneeze."
"What's wrong? Do you have a cold?" Chat Noir asked as his eyebrows scrunched together with concern for his girlfriend.

"Just a little bit, don't worry, I'll be fine," Marinette said giving a big smile to her Kitty

"Princess..." Chat said with seriousness.

"Really, I'll be fine Kitty," Marinette took a deep breath through her stuffy nose, "See?"

"Alright then, I'll be off. I've got patrol with Ladybug. Stay safe Princess."

"I love you,"

"Love you too!"

And with that the unlucky black cat was off, vaulting himself into the dark Parisian night.
"Right, we have patrol today. I guess the design would just have to wait. Tikki spots on! Ha!"

With a spur of red, Ladybug followed the direction that Chat Noir went in.
"Hey Chat Noir," Ladybug waved at Chat Noir who was staring off into the night sky.

Ladybug's voice jolted him out of his reverie as his neon green eyes focused on Ladybug.

"Oh hey Ladybug, let's start patrolling."

And with that, the two superheroes jumped from building to building, on the lookout for trouble.

With their patrol coming to a near end, the two heroes sat atop the Eiffel Tower, the icy wind blowing.  Ladybug with her legs swinging leisurely down the said tower and Chat Noir standing beside her, he's eyes going left and right quickly to spot any telltale sign of an Akuma attack.

"AHCHOO," Ladybug sneezed yet again. As the wind made the ribbons in her hair flutter.

"Ladybug, are you alright? You've sneezed so many times during today's patrol.." Chat Noir asked while his mind traveled back to his Princess.
'I'll check up on her later.' He thought

"Of course, Chat." Ladybug replied nonchalantly.
"I think that you should go home and rest, patrol is about to end anyway,"
"Huh? No, I'm fine. Really." The spotted hero replied as she tried her best to convince her partner.
"If there's an Akuma attack, I promise to call you, cat's honor."
"Well," Ladybug said while checking the time her YoYo, "If you say so," She continued unsurely
"I know so LB," Chat said giving Ladybug an affirmative nod.
"Call me if there's an Akuma. Promise me you won't try to beat it without me. Bye Chat."
"I promise, Ladybug."
Chat nodded before saying, "Bye Ladybug."

And with that, Lady zipped off into the general direction of her house.
"Spots off, Tikki," Marinette said as she tumbled onto her inviting bed, Tikki flew out of her earring and looked at Marinette worryingly.  "Go to bed Marinette," Tikki said with concern evident in her voice. Tikki pulled up Marinette's comforter to keep her warm, "Thanks, Tikki."
"Rest well, Marinette."
"Gurl, are you sure you're fine?"
"Yes Alya, I'm totally fine. it's just a small cold." Marinette said reassuringly however, her complexion said otherwise. She was pale and freezing, shivering as the autumn wind blew past her, her hair swishing all around. A blond head bobbed past as Marinette felt cold wash all over her, especially at her bosom area. "Oopsies. I'm really sorry Maritrash, but your trashy sweater distracted me. It's really so super ugly." Chloe said while cackling. A strong gust of wind blew past Marinette yet again as she shivered before sneezing. "Ew! Don't sneeze near me, peasant! Don't you know how much my Luis Vuitton sweater costs?" Chole screeched into Marinette's face. "Sorry, Chloe," Marinette said apologetically with her eyes downcast Chloe scoffed before strutting away. "That bîtch! Who does she think she is!" Alya fumed. "You shouldn't have to apologize to her Marinette."
"Yeah dudette, she was seriously not cool." Nino agreed with his girlfriend
"Here, Mari," Adrien said passing his clean towel for his fencing later to her.
"You can. Erm. Wipe... Err... your shirt's all wet." Adrien replied with his eyes looking skywards to avoid looking like a creep.

"Ooh," Marinette said embarrassed. Her eyes fleeting all over the courtyard. It was then at this moment did she realize that the boys were wolf-whistling at her. She quickly crossed her arms under her bosom in hopes that it would cover the wet, now see through patch on her white shirt.

Adrien saw how uncomfortable Marinette looked and wondered why. He looked around and saw the other guys staring at her hungrily, he growled and quickly took off his hoodie which made his shirt ride up a little bit showing off his six-pack. He thrust the said hoodie in a certain bluenette's direction. "Here,"

Marinette hesitated before replying, "Won't you be cold?" Her hand halfway reaching for it. "I'm part polar bear remember?" Adrien replied with a suave smirk on his face. It was like the two of them were in their own little romantic bubble.
And all else didn't matter. Alya was slapping Nino's shoulder repeatedly unable to comprehend the situation while Nino said, "I know babe. I'm looking at it too." His jaw-dropping at the obvious flirting going on between the two. Specifically from Adrien.

Marinette slid her arms through the sleeves of his hoodie before sighing contentedly. She could still feel the warmth lingering in them.
His warmth.

Hey... y'all.

Sorry, it took so long for me to update this book. But it was a pretty long chapter so I hope that makes up for it... Also, fun fact, I actually had this finished months ago, but I got too self-conscious to update soo.. that's why it's only made public now. In the mean time, I'm going to work on some of my other projects so the next update would probably be a month from now? It depends.

I love and appreciate all of you for reading!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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