Chapter 8

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      After practice ended, I joined Bokuto, Akaashi, and Kuroo in the third gym for extra practice. A tall blonde walks into the gym shortly after we start, and starts talking to Bokuto. I stand up and make my way over to the blonde, looking up at him with with narrowed eyes. "Aren't you a first year? You're tall," I say, jumping in the air to try to be tall like him. The boy gives me a funny look.

"You're short." I pout, crossing my arms as Kuroo pats my head and laughs.

"Tsukishima! Don't be rude to y/n!" Bokuto exclaims, hugging me from behind.

       "Are you guys dating or something?" Tsukishima questions, making a disgusted face. My whole face burns red as I attempt to wiggle out of Bokuto's embrace.

       "Why? Are you interested?" I tease, sticking my tongue out at him. Tsukishima rolls his eyes.

      "Yes we are dating! Thanks for asking!" Bokuto responds with a wide smile.

       "We are?" I inquire, my eyes widening and face turning even more red.

      "I don't know. Want to go out?" Kuroo, Akaashi, and I look at Bokuto in shock.

      "You're messing with me." I force out a small laugh and grab my bag. "I'm going to take a walk. I'll be back." I rush out of the gym and close the door behind me, thoughts flooding into my head. I sit outside for a few minutes, thinking about what to do.

      After a while of thinking, I run back into the gym, grabbing Akaashi by his shirt and pulling him away. "I'm stealing your setter, Bokuto-Kun. Be right back!" I just the door behind us and look up at Akaashi with a serious expression.

      "What is it? Is something wrong?" Akaashi asks, running a hand through his hair.

      "Was Bokuto being serious when he asked me out? Was he kidding? I can't get it out of my head. I can't stop overthinking," I ramble, nervously pacing around.

      "Not sure," Akaashi responds bluntly, shrugging his shoulders. I sit down on the dewy grass, leaning back against a wall.

"I think I have feeling for Bokuto-Kun," I state, trying to not look at Akaashi's small grin. He sits down next to me silently. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Akaashi begins to laugh. I look over at him, eyes wide.

"You act as if I didn't already know that," he manages to say through laughs.

      "Is it that obvious?" I inquire, crossing my arms with a pout.

       "Yeah, it's also obvious that he likes you back. You guys are just oblivious." I hold my breath, trying to think of something to say.

"I-I think I'm going to go to bed. It's getting late," I murmur, standing up and walking off. I look back as I watch Akaashi enter the gym Bokuto was in, begging that he doesn't tell him anything. I rush over to the first gym where Nishinoya and a few others were practicing, slamming open the door.

"Y/n-San!" Nishinoya screams before running over to greet me.

"Noya, I need a distraction," I say without any further explanation.

"You want to watch me practice? I can show you rolling thunder!" Nishinoya runs over into the court while I sit down and watch him do some receives. Yachi sits down beside me and we start to talk while we watch the boys practice.

      "Your team must make you exhausted. Everyone always seems so excited," I state while Yachi let's out a sigh.

      "Yes, they do. Doesn't Bokuto and Kuroo make you tired too? They seem like handfuls." I flinch as I hear Bokuto's name.

      "I doubt I'll be spending any time with Bokuto anymore. Akaashi told me that he likes me. Of course I like him back, but I'm afraid I'm just going to be awkward around him," I explain as Yachi's face lights up.

      "You like Bokuto?!" She shouts, revealing my secret to the entire gym. Everyone pauses and stares at me in silence while I blush, trying to cover my face.

      "I'm telling him right now!" Nishinoya screams, running out of the gym. I begin to chase after him, whispering curses under my breath as we reach the third gym. "Y/n likes Bokuto-San!" I stand in the doorway, trying to catch my breath, terrified for what conversation awaits.

      "Yeah, I know," Akaashi deadpans, looking over his shoulder at Bokuto, who's become a blushing mess. I put my hands on my knees, still trying to catch my breath, refusing to look up at anyone's face. Bokuto walks over to me, lifting my chin up to meet his gaze. I continue to catch my breath, glaring over at Nishinoya.

      "Noya... I'm gonna kill you!" I shout as I lunge towards the boy, attempting to claw his eyes out. Bokuto puts an arm out to block me and picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder. "Put me down! Noya's a dead man!" Bokuto calmly sets me outside and closes the door behind him. We stand there, looking at each other, for what feels like hours, before he finally breaks the silence...

A/N: you're welcome for the cliff hanger

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