Part 2 - Katara - Flowers

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"What did you say?" I cocked my head, mystified. It sounded like Aang had said I was beautiful but I couldn't be sure.

"Uhh, I, um, well... the garden," he coughed and turned away but not before I saw the blush bloom on his face and he mumbled something unintelligible. My cheeks warmed a little as I slowly smiled.

"Yeah... it's pretty special. But there's more," I slipped my hand into his and pulled him into the garden.

With Aang, life was never dull. But not just because he was the avatar, destined to save the world and constantly getting into trouble along the way. Aang saw the beauty and joy in everything. Even with the weight of the world on his shoulders, he could lift all of our spirits with his spontaneous acrobatics or silly pranks. He was my best friend and we balanced each other well. But I'd be lying if I said I never felt anything more than friendship. Aang sees all sides of me: the broken, hurt daughter robbed of her mother by the war; the powerful, confident waterbending master; the fiercely protective younger sister and resident mom of the group; and the blushing girl whose destiny would forever be intertwined with his.

For a while I had thought of Aang as just another brother, but the longer I spend with him, the more signs I see pointing my heart towards him. When he kissed me before the invasion, it was like he was trying to express a lifetime of love in a single second - a moment he feared would be his last with me. Was it just the heat of the moment? Did he mean it when he kissed me? Could he actually... love me? We hadn't spoken about the kiss since it happened and as my doubts began to creep, I tried to push forward and leave my worries outside of the garden.

"So you said you had a new waterbending move to show me?"

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Aang's gentle smile.

"Yes! I thought of it yesterday after I found this place. I was thinking about you actually, and how you're always telling me to try and meditate. So, I did. And it worked!"

"I guess I should say I told you so-" he winked as I rolled my eyes, "but that's great Katara! Or should I say... Sifu Katara." His eyes glimmered as he teased me, placing his fist against his palm and bowing towards me. I laughed and straightened up, playing along.

"Ah yes my pupil. Perhaps someday you too will learn the intricate mysteries of waterbending."

Aang fell at my feet, "Oh great master I am your humble student, please teach me your ways!"

He rolled over clutching his sides with laughter and I joined him on the ground laughing too. It was nice to forget the world for a little and laugh with Aang. I lay there staring up at the vines and flowers that hung from the temple ceiling when I realized I was hyper aware of the boy beside me. My breath hitched as I closed my eyes and focused on the warmth of his arm lying lazily next to mine. He was so close...

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