7: Forēs aperīre

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My destination had arrived.

"I thought you were going to show up next year! Thank you for gracing us with your presence! It's truly an honour!" Eric said with a sarcastic smile when he saw me at the door. I smiled. I expected Eric to pass this kind of a comment. It was only fair but I had come prepared. I promptly handed him the roses and stepped inside. "These are lovely! Thank you!"

"Now you know what took me so long." I said in an innocent tone but was unable to hide the obvious smirk on my face. Eric might have been a little bit of a drama queen but he was not stupid. He instantly guessed what I was doing and shook his head with a smile. "I suppose, you are forgiven, Johnson. But don't slack otherwise I will have no choice but to kill you!"

"You are such a drama queen! I like Ryan better!"

"Yes. I know. You've told me. Several times in fact! But that just means I can give you more work to do!" The both of us laughed at that.

I was anxious to meet Ariel again. We had reduced to minimal contact after she moved. So, when I received her message saying that she was coming back to town for a few weeks, I was overjoyed. A week ago, it had given me hope. Hope about us. This morning it gave me hope. Yet now, only a few hours later, I had changed my mind. I still had hope but it was not the only thing.

At the prospect of meeting her again, I had taken a little trip down memory lane to introspect. I spent the entire morning in a daze.A stick stuck in quicksand. No way to stop. Stuck in moments. Stuck in memories. It reminded me of Sylvia from a year ago who was stuck in the coma of life. Merely existing with the same kind of routine day in and day out. I was far from that person today.

I loved Ariel. I do not think that is ever going to change. But I cannot remain stuck in the past. She taught me how to live. Living also meant moving forward. The mere thought of leaving Ariel behind made my heartache. I wanted to hold her, to tell her that whatever she was going through, we could deal with together, as a team.

But she had made her decision and I respected her for it. But I wanted her to know my side. I wanted to tell her where I was. I did not wish to make the same mistake I had made last time. I was not waiting around anymore.

I thought again about the envelope with her name on it and I had an idea. All I needed was a paper and pen.

The people soon started flooding in and I saw her as soon as she walked in. She was wearing a yellow shirt with brown trousers.Just like a Sunflower. My Sunflower. It made me smile. She looked absolutely perfect. I wanted to run to her, to hug her and tell her how much I had missed her. To tell her that every time I saw a sunflower, I thought of her. To tell her that I owned about a dozen of Sunflower themed things because I bought them in hopes of giving them to her, only to realise that I could not.

Last night, this was the most difficult thing I had to do but right now, I do not feel a thing. That is to say, I am not afraid. A year ago, When I told her I was not hurt, I had not lied entirely. I was not hurt, in fact I was glad that she had been so transparent with me but somewhere along the way, my ego took over and I hurt myself by replaying that moment over and over in my head, I convinced myself that If only, I had said something sooner, everything would have been different. Everything would have been better. That last bit was untrue.

There were so many beautiful moments that happened because the both of us were unsure. I would never have gone back to the cabin. I would never have healed the wounds that I had brushed aside when I lost my family. All of it only happened because we enjoyed each other's company. Not because of lust. But because of love. Love does not require some sort of big confession. Love happens naturally.

Ariel walked over to me and pulled me into a tight hug before I could say anything. I felt at home in her embrace. A place where I belonged. "Hi" "Hi"

"I read your article. 'The Valley on the Edge of Paradise' It was beautiful."

She smiled. "If I'm being honest, it was actually the company that made it a paradise"

I blushed in spite of myself. "I have something for you." I handed her a sunflower and the envelope.

"Sylvia!" It was her turn to blush. "You shouldn't have!"

"It's not that big of a deal! It's a flower! I had stopped to get roses for Eric on my way here and I couldn't resist my urge to buy it knowing I would be seeing you after so long." For a fleeting second, I saw her eyes fill with sorrow and I hated myself for making her feel it.

"And what is this?" She asked, holding up the envelope.

"It's an invitation to Neil's birthday!" I saw the confused look on her face.and added, "My godson."

"Was he named after-"


"I'll be there."

I smiled. How could one not love this Sunflower?

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a person walk in who had never been to brunch before. She looked lost. My smile widened. "I can't believe she came!"


"Amaya! She's a colleague. She's new to town so I thought I would invite her to brunch so that she can meet people. Come on! I'll introduce you!"

As we walked over to Amaya, I thought back to the letter I had added to the envelope last minute.

Dearest Sunflower,

I'd be lying if I said I'm brave because I'm not. Look at me still hiding behind these words as if they mean nothing. But they mean everything. I have to admit, this time around my fears are different, otherwise I'd have done this differently. Over the phone, face to face or in any way that would have enabled me to hear your voice again. It has been so long. But I didn't want to spring it on you because I have no way of knowing if you're open for this again. Open for us again.

In the last year, I learned to love myself and I dared to live. I went out of the country for the first time in my life. I went to one of those scenic beaches you wrote about. I wish you could've been there with me. It was magical. I don't know if you know it, but you inspired me to fall in love with myself and the world around me.

I wrote this to tell you that I am opening my doors to every possibility in life and thank you because you helped me get there. And by every possibility I mean us as well. And know that I will always keep that door open as long as I'm single.

Love, Sylvia

P.S. : I want you to know that you are in no way obligated to reply to this letter. Just try to make it to Neil's birthday. I promise it won't be awkward.

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