Thirty-two hours in

64 3 1

           "Yes, professor?" Jungkook was currently in contact with Taeyong after him wanting to speak with the other in private once again.

        "I'm going to be straight forward with you jungkook," Taeyong began which only made his nerves grow worse and worse. "The police are planning to search your house so I need to know if you have anything there that could lead them to the heist or just anything bad."

        Jungkook didn't even have to think about this. "The back of my closet there's a safe with a lot of personal things, the police can't get their hands on it, please."

"Anything else?" "No just lots of things" "what do you mean?" "Things" Jungkook says again like that would make Taeyong understand it any more, which he didn't "jungkook I don't know what you mean."

"Just get the safe please and that's it my house isn't a crime scene I swear, but you can't open the safe no matter what" jungkook says his voice suddenly sounding demanding "Ok jungkook" Taeyong says the other line going dead.

Jungkook breaths out a sigh of relief. At least the police won't touch his safe, that's where all of his personal things are. No one has seen what's inside of it, not even Jimin who basically lived with him by how much he was around.

It's just some things are meant to remain a secret.

Jennie's laugh was a pleasant sound to all of their ears. It was the first time she had since they got their, or showed any kind of emotion really. "I wish you guys could've seen their faces, it was hilarious!"

"I wanted to say those words for killing that guy but he was about to snitch and I panicked" Jimin spoke up though he still couldn't bring himself to say he's sorry. It's always been a problem for him to say that and it wasn't changing anytime soon.

"It's fine jiminie not only did we get to shake up the cops but it'll show them to not mess with us which buys us more time so if anything we should be thanking you" Lisa says genuinely. Let's just say the two of them had permanently squashed all of their drama.

Everyone spoke upon themselves laughing quietly. It reminded them of the times when they were back at the house. When they would have big dinners with Taeyong and plan out the heist, or just enjoy each other's presence.

Now they were actually here, tomorrow was going to be a busy day. They were going to spend time counting money and printing it which took up the whole day.

The only one who hadn't spoken up was jungkook, he was silent. Jimin wanted to make a joke so bad to the other, he couldn't handle it. Haechan looks between the two an annoyed scowl on his face.

"If you don't talk to him I swear!" Haechan whisper-yells to Jimin who somehow became nervous. "Fine" but as soon as Jimin gets up and grabs jungkook by the wrists to drag him out Jennie speaks up once again.

"We actually wanted to tell you guys something very important" Jennie says a small smile on her face. So before Jimin could drag the other away he stood in place to hear the girl out.

"Lisa and I found the escape tunnel," all of them went through a state of shock after hearing that. "So we'll be getting out of here soon guys" they all seemed to slowly nod taking in the information.

This only urged Jimin more to drag jungkook away from the rest and into a corner for them to have some privacy. "Can we talk, please" Jimin wasn't one to beg, ever.

"Yeah" jungkook says which made jimin's nerves ease some. "I want us to be good ok? I was no doubt jealous about that person who we will not speak of but it was because I don't know I thought it was just gonna be us."

"I get it Minnie and I'm sorry for doing that with tae but he's really funny if you just try talking to him" Jimin couldn't help but roll his eyes. "No growing attached to these hostages you should know better."

"I'm not I'm not I swear! So do you forgive me?" Jimin put his finger to his chin like he was thinking intently. "Yes but you have to make it up to me."

Before the two could even kiss Chanyeol spoke up breaking the two apart. "Come watch! They're talking about us" his smile was brighter than usual, which was saying a lot.

The two just glance at each other before lacing their hands together and waking behind Chanyeol to where everyone was seated.

Their faces were lightened up by the light from the TV that was on the news channel.

"Today the police received a dead body! From the people working on this heist, the police have a conspiracy that they need factual evidence to prove," the reporter began which only intrigued the eight even more to hear what their little conspiracy was.

"As you may know the police were able to pin point two main suspects, Jeon jungkook and Park Jimin. Recently the police came into contact with Mr. Jeons sister. The police have come to believe that those two being Jimin and jungkook came up with the heist and recruited a few of Jungkook's old friends to execute it."

The eight couldn't hold back their laughter at that. "They really think we came up with this" jungkook says throughout his laughs at how much they had them fooled.

"Also guys wanna year a very fun fact about me?" Jungkook begins making them all tear their gazes away from the TV and over to him. "I don't have a sister" suddenly it all clicks and admiring smiles spread onto their faces knowing that Taeyong was in fact working on the heist but from the outside.

"We now will go into a live interview with the suspect Mr. Parks mother." Suddenly a mid-aged woman appeared on the screen. She held similar features to Jimin, to say the least she was very beautiful.

She looked perfect but the kind of perfect that's too perfect and obviously only for the camera.

Jimin looked at the TV screen so unamused. He was not here for it one bit, he knew his mother's act all too well for it to even faze him.

"Do you have any idea why your son would want to do anything like this?"

"No ma'am I really don't. He's always been a good child I don't know what changed." "Has anything bad ever happened in Mr. Parks life?"

Jimin's mom seemed to pause for a moment almost as if she stopped working. But soon that same soft smile was plastered on her face.

"No, I've tried my best to keep him safe" "what's his relation to Mr. Jeon if you know" "that's his boyfriend the two have been friends for years. I wouldn't be surprised if they masterminded this plan together."

Jimin was so done with listening to his mother's crap so he gets up and shuts the TV off before she can continue.

"She's fucking lying! She never even met jungkook that lady barely knows anything about my life" Jimin scoffs. "They're going to get nowhere with her."

"Maybe that's professors plan" Chanyeol says standing up. "He's been making us do things that will throw them off. They now believe that these two idiots came up with the plan which will only result with them digging into it which will only by who time?"

"Us it'll by us more time" Baekhyun says nodding his head taking in all of the information. "So let them go and question your guys family from what I hear you guys weren't all that close. It will only throw them off even more."

"What if they find the house?" Haechan asks worry in his time. "Then professor will find a way out of it like he always does. He won't let us down and vice versa, now let's sleep we have lots of work to do tomorrow."

As they were all getting ready to go to sleep an alarm in the building goes off.

A very loud one at that.

Well there goes their sleep.

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