Previously-"No that sounds fun. Let's play." I said nodding at Charli that it was ok.
"Tayler truth,dare, or drink?" Addison asked.
Hannah's POV: "um truth." Tayler said slightly smiling. "Is it true that you made out with Kelianne today?" Addison asked him looking at me. "Yes that is true." He sighed looking at me. We went around in the circle of where everyone was sitting so it was Liam's turn. "I can't think of anything. Charli go ahead." Liam said. "Ok Hannah truth, dare, or drink?" She asked me and I picked truth.
"Is it true that your thinking about dating someone in this room." Charli asked winking at me. "Yes that is true." I said looking at Bryce laughing a little. Now it was my turn to ask someone but I couldn't think of anything so I let Bryce go. He asked Josh and Josh picked dare. He pointed to a can of beer that was on the table and dared Josh to drink the whole thing straight.
Of course Josh did it and then we kept going around the table till it was Tony's turn. He asked me and I picked dare. "Hannah I dare you to come sit next to me." He smirked and I definitely didn't want to drink anymore so I moved and tony smiled at me. "Ok my turn again." Addison said rolling her eyes. "Bryce I dare you to kiss me." She said looking at Bryce this time.
"Well I guess I'll drink." Bryce said picking up the bottle. "What? It's not like we haven't done it before." Addison said smiling. "You know what I'm gonna go." I said standing up. "See you tomorrow Charli." I said before walking out of the door.
Taylers POV: Hannah walked outside so I went after her. "Hey how are you gonna get home? Didn't they bring you here in Tony's car?" I asked her. Then she stoped and turned to look at me. "Why'd you kiss her?" She asked. She looked like she was about to cry.
"I like Kelianne ok....... but I like you too. Just like you like me, Tony, and now Bryce I guess." I said trying to make my point. "I know, you can do whatever you want cause we're not together ." She said looking at the ground when Bryce walked outside.
Bryce's POV: When I walked outside I could see that Hannah was about to cry so walked over to her and Tayler walked pass me and went back into the house. "Hey, you ok?" I asked Hannah giving her a hug. "Do you mind taking me home?" She asked me.
"Yeah, no problem."
Hannah's POV: Later we pulled up at my house. "You wanna come in for a while." I asked Bryce while he walked me to my front door. "Hannah it's four in the morning. You should get some rest." He said kissing me on the forehead. "I'll text you in the morning." He said and I walked into the house.
When I woke up it was two in the after noon. I knew I would wake up super late anyway since I had got home so late last night. I had a text from Charli, Bryce, and Tayler.
Text conversation
Bryce: morning how'd you sleep?
Hannah: hey I just got up I slept alright for the most part
Bryce: wyd later today I wanna take you somewhere🥺
Hannah: well I'm off today but I have family dinner tonight
Bryce: ok you can come to sway house and spend the day with me
Hannah: sounds like a plan
Bryce: I'll be on my way in about 15 minutes
End of conversation
Hannah's POV: Now I have to find something to wear and I'll have to find something to change into before I go to dinner. I got up and found some clothes. Then I brushed my teeth and washed my face. After that I took a picture.
Charlidamelio:Is that my shirt😂💕
Addisoneasterling: Had fun last night🤗
Lopez_tony: When r u coming back to the house?
Comments-view moreBryce's POV: I put on some clothes and got myself ready. Then I went downstairs and saw Anthony and Jayden on the couch on their phones and Josh and nessa making a TikTok. "Ok so guys Hannahs coming over for the day and I'm gonna go pick her up now." I said walking into the living room.
"Who's Hannah?" Nessa asked. "Oh just a girl Bryce is crushing on." Josh joked. I just ignored him and headed out the door.
Hannah's POV: "Hey Charli I'm gonna be at sway house all day so I might just have to come by there tomorrow." I told Charli on the phone. "Yeah that's fine. I have a meeting today anyways." She said when I heard someone knock at the door.
"Charli it's Bryce I gotta go." I said then I hung up the phone and went to open the door. "Hey you look great." Bryce said walking in. "Thanks." I said then he kissed me on my forehead. "You ready to go?" "One sec I have to grab something."
I rushed upstairs and grabbed my extra clothes and then we left. When we pulled up to the house Bryce grabbed my bags from the back seat and then we went in.
"He got you to stay the night?" Josh laughed when we walked in. "Shut up. She's going to her parents house later." Bryce said before I could answer. "Hey I'm Nessa." The girl cuddled up next to Josh said.
To be continued.....
Between Us
RomanceYou're best friends with Charli damelio and when you meet some of her friends you start to fall in love but with which guy?