Chapter 5 - The Medical Center Investigation

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Dead in the night, an explosion sets off from afar. What could this have been? Who knows...

Morning - Gem and Melissa's Apartment

Shirou sat himself behind a desk, holding Michiru's student credential. It seemed as such that she was finally able to convince him that she was a human before. He sniffs the card to get a bit more of a backstory. What he finds is exactly as so; she played sports, she had some popularity, and even had a good friend. She was human.

But a few things that stood out to Shirou was that that friend of hers, also was a human. At least, until memory served to him the harsh projection of that same friend being taken away, as she too turned into a Beastman. But another thing that stood out to him, was you. A sort of vague recollection of the same night Michiru ran from you and got tormented by those hunters was present. He didn't manage to retain everything, but he saw for an indisputable fact that you defended her then, just as you do now. He found it hard to believe, but what else could he say after what he saw?


The night before, Melissa found a good room with a suitable bed for either one of you to sleep on, and you volunteered to let Michiru sleep on it. Though, it hardly mattered who got dibs on the bed, since you two ultimately decided yet again to sleep close to each other. It was a common occurrence now, and you two didn't mind it.

You wake up in a bit of a daze, as yesterday was a bit of a disastrous and cold day, more so after hearing Michiru's statement on Beastmen and the city itself. You could see where she's coming from, yet, it still takes you by surprise. It didn't take very long for Michiru to wake up as well, because the sound of a rooster could be heard from the roof, presumably Gem. Michiru and you decide to open the window to greet him.

Michiru: Good morning Mr. Gem!

(Y/n): Nice weather, isn't it?

Gem: Ah, you're both awake! How is that room? It's way better than the rooftop, is it not?

Michiru: Yeah! Thanks!

(Y/n): It's definitely more comfortable, so thank you!

Michiru looks up at a certain building in the distance, as it is rather large compared to any other building around.

Michiru: Mr. Gem, what's that big building over there?

Gem: Hm? Ah, it's the Medical Center. SYLVASTA Medical Center. It's under direct management of SYLVASTA Pharmaceutics. There's a laboratory and a hospital there.

Michiru: SYLVASTA's...I see...hey (Y/n)! If we go there, I could ask about my disease!

(Y/n): Sounds like a plan, but how would we-

The sound of a door emits the room, and you both turn to see Shirou standing there. He walks over to you two and drags you both out by the back of your shirts. You and Michiru looked at each other slightly confused as to what was happening, but he took you over the roof and eventually back into the same room you both slept in previously. Michiru took the first stance upon him closing the door shut.

Michiru: H-Hey! What the hell are you doing?!

(Y/n): You can't just lock us in here! *you try twisting the knob* Gah, it won't even open!

You both hear the sound of furniture moving close to the door.

Michiru: Hey, hang on, what is this?!

(Y/n): Did you just move something in front of the door?! Let us out!

Shirou: Be quiet.

Michiru: It won't open...

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