Chapter 26: What If...

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His eyes widened at my statement. Well it was kind of out of the blue. "Are you sure? Last time Haz thought we were dating, he flipped," Tom whispers.

"The longer we keep it from him, the harder it is going to tell him," I whisper back. He didn't say a word, but just nods. How are we going to tell him?

The movie was over, and it was amazing. Everyone was coming up to the cast and congratulating us, but all I could think about was Harrison's reaction. What if Harrison doesn't approve and we have to break up? These past 8 months have been the best with him, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I put on a good face, not showing my true emotions, and thank everyone. After a half an hour we go to the after party for the cast and crew. Now it's time to change into my after party dress. It's a short version of the dress I wore at the premiere. I walk into the place and it has a food table, a dance floor, tables to sit at and a dj booth. I walk through the doors and I feel an arm pull me aside.

Tom puts his arms around my waist and pulls me in for a kiss. "I'm so proud of you, love. You were amazing," Tom says, which makes me blush.

"You did good too, bug boy," I say, which makes us both chuckle.

"I have an idea, to try and ease Haz into the idea of us together. Before we tell him, tonight we should act more of a couple, but not like making out in the corner," Tom says. I wipe a fake tear which makes us both laugh. I agreed to the plan and we headed out to the dance floor.

"Y/n," a familiar voice called out.

"Hey, Haz," I reply, and he approaches me. The DJ was playing Good as Hell by Lizzo and we started dancing like our crazy selves. Zendaya pulled Harrison aside, so Tom approached me. We started to dance together, just being ourselves. Then Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley.

I see Harrison pulling Zendaya in to dance, and everyone coupling up. Tom puts his hand on my waist and pulls me in closer. I wrap my arms around Tom's neck, one of my hand's playing with his soft curls on the back of his neck.

"I finally get to dance with the woman I love, in front of everyone, even if they don't know it," Tom says which makes me smile.

"I love you, Tommy," I say.

"I love you too." I lay my head on Tom's chest, hearing the comfort of his heart beat. I feel his soft lips place a kiss on my forehead. I can feel his smile through the kiss, which makes me smile.

The rest of the party, we danced, we talked, we laughed, and most importantly we had fun. Tom and I were holding hands, and hugging a lot. When we were sitting, his arm was around my shoulder, giving Harrison hints of our relationship, and saying we are close, but not enough to make him freak out in public.

Tom, Harrison, Zendaya and I all are walking back in our hotel room's. I pull Zendaya aside and tell her we were about to tell Harrison and to be prepared for him being angry.

"I'm glad you guys are finally telling him. Can you do me a favor and don't mention that I knew all of this time, that would break him," Zendaya says, and I nod. "Good luck." I walk back into my room, and I see Tom and Harrison already there, just as I told them to be.

"Harrison, uh you may want to sit down for this," I say, closing the door behind me.

"Is everything alright?" Harrison asks, confusingly. He slowly sits on my bed, not knowing what's about to happen. Tom and I walk in front of him, so we are standing next to each other.

"What ever we are about to tell you, you have to promise not to get mad at us, mate," Tom says. Harrison doesn't say anything while he is trying to read our expressions.

"I promise," Harrison says. I take a deep breath, trying to figure out the best way to word what I was trying to say. 'Oh yea me and your bestfriend have been lying behind your back for the past 8 months.'

"Uh, well, Tom and I are uh. We are together," I say, but Harrison doesn't take in the information.

"Yea we are all together, what does that have to do with anything?" Harrison questions, not understanding the statement, or trying to avoid the truth.

"No, y/n and I are dating," Tom says, and he holds my hand, trying to prove it to Harrison. He doesn't say anything, he doesn't even move. No one does, I'm not even breathing.

"How long?" Harrison says with a blank expression, not making eye contact with either of us.

"I don't think that really," I started but then was interrupted.

"How long?" Harrison says, almost yells, and stands up.

"8 months," Tom mutters but Harrison was able to hear it loud and clear. He walks to the other side of the room, running his hands through his hair.

I let go of Tom's hand and walk towards Harrison and say, "Don't be mad at Tom. This was all my idea-"

But yet again Harrison interrupts me and says, "Don't be mad at Tom? I have every right to be mad at Tom. He's probably only dating you to get in your pants, y/n." I feel tears starting to sting my eyes, but I try to hold them back.

"That is not what this is, mate," Tom tries to say.

"Don't mate me. So you're telling me you guys haven't slept together," Harrison says. Neither Tom or I answer that question, which just makes Harrison even angrier. Harrison faces me and says, "I can't believe you are so naive. The only reason you probably fell for him is because you're his love interest in the movie. You think you have feelings for him, but in reality they are all fake."

This makes tears stream down my face. I know I love Tom, and I really hope he loves me, but Harrison is making me doubt that. "That's not what it is at all," I say.

"Then what is this?" Harrison asks. Tom and I never talked about our future, so I didn't say anything, not knowing what he thinks of me. No one says anything for a moment, just standing there in awkward silence. "Exactly." Harrison storms out of my room, making sure the whole hotel hears the hotel door slam shut.

I just stood there, watching the door, not knowing what the next thing to do was. I knew this was coming, and I pushed it back so far, it made it worse. Tom places his hand on my shoulder, but I move it out of the way.

"Love, don't worry, he will come around," Tom says, trying to comfort me.

"W-what are we Tom?" I ask, more tears streaming down my face. "We have never said anything about what we want for the future. You just suddenly 'wanted' me when we came to Atlanta."

"Love, don't let Haz's words go into your brain. They were said out of anger. Only you and I know how we feel about each other and no one else," Tom says. He walks closer to me and I try to avoid eye contact. He uses his hand to lift up my chin, making me look into his brown eyes. "I love you, y/n. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and no one can change how I feel about you."

"I love you too Tommy, but we need to figure things out with Harrison," I say, and he just nods. I lean up and kiss him on the cheek, then he goes back to his hotel room. I can feel the tears once again, stream down my face.

What if Harrison never forgives us? Will he just step out of my life forever? What if this does eventually make Tom and I break up? I would never be able to be in the same room as him, knowing this is all my fault. I should have never agreed to keep it a secret.

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