Chapter 35

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Perhaps it was the raging blizzard outside or the fact that I had a hockey game in less than four hours, but for whatever reason, I couldn't sit still in my seat.

My phone lit for the millionth time, thanks to the team group chat that was buzzing today. I simply flipped my phone over and tried to focus on whatever my professor was saying.

My trying turned to failing and I eventually settled on just watching the clock. Time slowed and I seemed to zone out.

"-And class dismissed. Everyone have a good weekend." The Professor finally ended class. I promptly grabbed my bag and rushed out of the classroom, not wanting to suffer for a second longer.

At the end of the lecture hall, a familiar figure stood, leg propped against the wall.

"I'd ask if you're ready for game day, but the sheer look in your eyes tells me it all," Luka spoke as he threw his arm over me and walked me to his truck.

Around us, winter blew left, right, up, and down. Snow fell to the ground while temperatures nearing negative blanketed everything. Gotta love blizzards in late  February.

"It was a stupid question anyway." I shrugged, even with his thick arm weighing down my shoulders. "I'm always ready for game day."

Luka chuckled, before unlocking the doors and opening the passenger door for me. "You've already got the attitude down," he simply said before shutting the door and climbing in on the driver's side.

With a roll of my eyes, I started saying, "I don't have any at-", until Luka cut me off with a disbelieving look.

I answered his look with a sigh and sunk into the heated seat. Reaching over, I flicked through the radio, stopping to listen to some songs, while flipping over others.

Luka was wise and didn't complain, after all, I did this every game day. And I continued my channel surfing until we pulled into the rink parking lot.

"You got the sandwiches?" I asked Luka before getting out of the truck.

"If I ever forget them, then you have permission to kill me," Luka said, a taunting smile gracing his lips.

"Noted," I smirked as I opened the door and stepped into the blizzard outside.

Luka grabbed his bag and my bag from the backseat before joining me at my side. We walked into the rink together, stopping to stomp the snow off our shoes before walking down the tunnel towards the locker rooms.

After handing me my backpack, Luka peeled off and headed to the training room. I continued my trek to the team locker room.

Music thumped through the tunnel, its origin not coming from our locker room, but instead the opposing team.

Today's game was the last one before state next weekend. So to say it was a big one, would be an understatement.

The door to my left suddenly opened, causing me to freeze in my steps. The music from inside flooded the hallway as a male stood in the doorway.

He took a step forward and allowed the door to shut behind him, silencing the blaring music slightly.

"You lost beautiful?" His deep voice rumbled as it took on a flirtatious tone.

"Not quite," I chuckled and made to take a step.

"Puck bunnies aren't allowed back here," he said, freezing my movement. I turned and saw as he scanned me up and down.

Currently, I wore simple black leggings and an old team sweatshirt paired with some Ugg boots. Basic, I know. But comfortable.

"I'm not a puck bunny," I said humorlessly.

"Oh sorry," he leaned against the doorway and finger quoted, "girlfriend."

"Wrong again." I shook my head and debated just walking away.

"Fine, I'll bite. What's your story then?" The guy prompted.

I took a second to look him up and down. He was good-looking, with a chiseled jaw and athletic body. He had the typical hockey flow, his brunette hair that reached his neck sat under a team beanie. Dressed in team warmups, that I'm sure he just changed in too. Yep. Just your average stuck-up hockey player. I rolled my eyes before something caught them. His warmup jacket had a "C" sewn into it. He's the captain.

"Well?" He promoted, pulling me from my head.

"No," I said simply.

"No?" He seemed taken aback that I hadn't immediately spilled my woes to him.

"I don't have to tell you anything," I said, a smirk sliding across my face.

My bet was that, as the captain, he would be on the first line. Which meant I would see him at the face-off. I decided that the shock on his face would be better than just telling him.

"Sorry-" I paused and made a show of looking at the number sewn into the arm of his jacket before continuing. "Thirteen, I got stuff to do," I said before turning and continuing my walk down the hallway.

Before he opened the door again, I heard him scoff and say "Puck bunnies." A sadistic smile crossed my face at that.

I pushed open the door to the team locker room and immediately heard an "uh oh."

Turning, I met amber eyes. I raised an eyebrow, prompting the culprit to speak.

"Cutie, you have a scary look on your face," Colten said. "Who did you just punch? Or worse, kill."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Nobody... Yet," I chuckled.

"You scare me sometimes Darling, " Henrik wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered.

A shiver rolled down my spine as he pressed a light kiss to my neck. One of his hands slipped slightly under my sweatshirt and he pinched a sliver of my skin, which caused another shiver.

His touch was gone all too soon, as he returned to his cubby.

Turning to him, I said, "And you're evil." Before going to my cubby.

All my gear was set up neatly, something I always loved to see. I grabbed my warmups out of my backpack and slipped into a bathroom stall to change. Once done, I shoved my regular clothes into my backpack and sat down in my cubby.

Henrik and the Ülf twins were the only ones in the locker room, but not for long as the rest of the team slowly arrived. It wasn't long after that that Ryder arrived. Once settled, he got the music going and we all fell into our pregame rituals.

What a great day to play hockey, I sighed before starting my warmups.

Hello, and before you yell at me, I know. It's been way too long since I've updated this story. And I apologize. I hope to slowly rectify that, by starting to push out more updates. I have no schedule yet, but I think I've gotten past my writer's block and I'm ready to start writing again. That all being said.

Thank you for reading Chapter 35. I hope you enjoyed this update and I really appreciate you taking the time to read this. Feedback and comments make me so happy!

~Until Next Chapter

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