Chapter 6

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"Y/n-chan" a Zenitsu opened the door as he hop towards your room
"take a bath. I'll set the water for you. here's your clothes" he said as he untied your wrist and hand you a red kimono with cherry blossoms in it. you stepped into the bathroom.

what is this uneasy feeling?

you eyed the door suspiciously as random thoughts began lingering in your mind. you took a gulp as you shake your head and glanced at the locked door for the last time before stripping and getting to the water quickly. the fact that you're under a huge boiling wood bucket makes you
relax more. you cross your arms
and rest it above the tub and you began closing your eyes as you lean on your arm. after 10 minutes of relaxing, you decided to shampoo your hair and clean up. as you stood up from the tub, you were greeted by the cold air which sent shivers down your spine. you grabbed the towel and wrapped it around you as you began dressing up. you opened the door and saw the yellow head in the kitchen, blushing.

"i-i'm done" you stuttered out. he glanced at you as he eyed you up and down. the fact that he's been watching you the whole time turned him on. he eyed you up and down as drool start to escape his mouth.

"CUTE!!! " he squealed as he tackled you into a tight hug.

Wtf is wrong with him?

"I really want to eat you up!! " he said as he whispered huskily to your ear, giving you shivers down your spine. you look up only to see lust in his eyes. you gave a nervous smile

"y-you really n-need t-to stop it" you stuttered as you laughed forcefully but what happened next made you shut up. he pinned you to the wall as he breathes in your neck giving you goosebumps
"you smell nice. its turning me on" he said, planting soft kisses on your neck

I have to stop him

you shoved him off you as you walk towards the kitchen only to be stopped by him
"you're such a bad girl" he chuckled lowly.
"I want to punish you" he said as the lust on his eyes intensifies. you gulped as tears started to brim into the corner of your eyes. you shook your head indicating no. he laughed

"just kidding" he said as he closed eyed smile. you have to get out as soon as possible before this monster take you. he opened his eyes and stared at you before going into the kitchen to cook. now that you think of it, why isn't he tying you now? what if you escape, is it okay for him?  or perhaps he's hiding something?
you were cut off when he speak

"why staring at me like that?" he asked as you realized you've been staring for him too long. he grins as his plan is working. you looked away quickly.

"s-sorry" you said blushing as he served food on the table. he gestured you to sit beside him so you did. your eyes widened when he put the chopsticks with teriyaki in front of your mouth. you opened it as he shoved it in gently. you munched as you look him in the eyes.

no Y/n don't let your guard down. you still don't know him

you thought as you observed him in the eyes. your thoughts were interrupted once again when his fingers caressed your cheek. he gave you a soft smile as he wipe the sauce beside your lips.

he seems trustworthy. no no no don't think that you idiot!!!

"I'm going to take a bath. don't even think of escaping" he said as he poke your nose. he went to the bathroom and close the door.

wtf. why did he leave us untied?  did he trusted us already?

you were thinking deeply until you heard the door opened revealing Zenitsu dressed up.
"you didn't escape?  I'm glad" he said happily. your eyes widened as realization hits you. you were busy thinking about your escape you didn't even realize its already sunset. you already planned you're escaping by midnight

"let's go to sleep" he said as he held your wrist and lend you to the room you share. nervousness, fear, panic, determination, is what you feel right now. you're nervous cause you'll be dead if you failed and you were afraid of it too. but you think you can do it. you can do it unless you try. you shouldn't let a chance slip out. your eyes widened in shock when he didn't tied you. you laid down the futon as he do the same. he hug you close to him. you listened to his heartbeat and its calm as heck!  you listened closely as his breath slows down. He removed his arms from you and turned around. his back facing you. you were confused why is he like this?  you waited for the proper time where you should go. after an hour, you sneakily opened your eyes as you see him in same position. you crawled towards the door as you held your breath. you tried your best not to make a noise. you slowly slide opened the door and flinched when it made a little squeak. you glanced at him, still sleeping. you closed the door behind you. you stood up and walk towards the entrance, still holding your breath. every step you make makes you more nervous. you slowly slide open the door and step outside. relief washes over you as you close the door. the cold breeze hitting you made you calm down. you started to run and run. you desperately want to see Tanjiro and Nezuko.

you stopped and put a hand over your knees.  you sighed in relief as his house is no longer in sight.
you continued to run but it seems an endless forest. you dodge some traps as your vision became blurry. you didn't realized you've been holding your breath, too desperate to run
until you stepped on a rope. your eyes widened in terror as you see your wrist tied above your head. your foot no longer feel the ground. you've been caught in a trap. tears started to flow in your eyes as you started to lose hope.
you opened your eyes as you started stretching your arms as wide as possible, trying to tear the rope off your wrist. but it only adds pain to your wrist. You hissed in pain as you feel your bones going to snap so you give it up. you lowered your head as you stared on the floor. your bangs covering your eyes.

I failed



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