Chapter 7

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a growl was heard as a demon approaches you. you stared at him lifelessly as he move closer to you. he smirked as he began laughing

"do you want to die? " he asked as you averted your eyes and stared at the ground.
"I guess that's a yes" he said but you glared at him

"I'll let you eat me if you release my wrist" you said in a monotone voice

"no. you will escape the time I release y-" you cut him off as you kick his head despite the pain you felt, you release your anger to him, making him stumble backwards

"this girl" he shouted as he launches to you. you were about to kick him again but froze when you two heard a voice.

"that girl is mine. I won't let you have her" he said as he walk slowly to us, sword in his hand. his bangs covering his eyes.

"then you're delusional " the demon said as he laughed.
"she is not yours. she doesn't belong to anyone else too. it's obvious she hates you-" the demon stop speaking when he felt the air vibrating

"shut up she's mine. she's mine she's mine she's mine she's mine. she doesn't hate me!" he mumbled angrily as lightning zaps started to surround him. the demon found it enjoying as he tease the aforementioned male. you watched their stance lifelessly. the demon was about to touch you when he mumbled

"thunder breathing first form,

thunderclap and flash! " he launches at the demon as he sliced them. before you could even blink, he appeared a few meters away from you as he sheathes his sword. he walk towards you, bangs covering his eyes as he take heavy footsteps forward. he sliced the rope as you land on your knees. all the pain jolted to you making you grit your teeth. your wrist still tied together. he yanked your hair upwards as he grit his teeth

"you" he mumbled angrily

"you know this in the first place, right? " you asked him nervously as you furrowed your brows and glared at him making him laugh

"of course" he said as he smirk, leaving you speechless. your eyes wide and your mouth slightly parted. you felt your blood boil
"you planned this all along " you asked. he only chuckled in return as he licked his lips. your brows twitch in disgust. he leaned into your ear

" I want to punish you so bad that it made me think of this plan " he said as he licked the shell of your ear which brings shiver down your spine. tears started to brim into the corner of your eyes.
"how did you know? " you asked furious that your act fail

"I listened to your heartbeat and breath. I also listened to the pitch of your voice indicating that you're lying, that's what my ability is! " he exclaimed as he scoop you in his arms and carried you bridal style. as the house came in sight, you began to cry silently as you have a bad feeling. the other male is really excited. this night will be your nightmare but it will be a gift for him. he went to the bedroom you share and tied your wrist at the table above your head. he laid you to the futon. he chuckled huskily as he watched you shaking and crying. you could the the intense lust forming in his eyes

[ ⚠⚠⚠⚠ this part has mature content! read at your own risk! if this made you uncomfortable, cover the screen with your hand and scroll down until you see a text saying it's over ⚠⚠⚠⚠]

"I'll make you scream my name Y/n-chan " he said as he began to undo your kimono

"NO! " you tried to struggle but you felt him kiss you hungrily while removing your clothes in the process leaving you in undergarments. he undid your bra- (wait do they have br@ that time?) leaving you exposed
as cold air hit your skin. you turned your head to the side, not wanting to look at him.

he look at your chest and smirk as he leaned down to suck your neck. you gasp when he found your sweet spot. he nibbled, suck and bite it creating a dark,purple hickey. he groped your chest as he rubbed your nipples. he nibbled it while you tried your hard not to give in the pleasure your body gives. he slid a finger under your panties as he rubbed your clit.

a moan escape your lips making him insert a finger inside you. your body gave in as your legs shudder in pleasure. he inserted a second finger which made you moan a bit louder. he loves hearing the noise you makes since its music to his ears.
you screamed his name as you released in his finger as you pant. he removed his fingers and licked it making you blush harder.
"taste good! " he exclaimed as he started to remove his clothes and pulled his member. you screamed as he put it inside you, not letting you adjust to his size. you tighten around his which made him moan

"nghh~ you feels good~" he moaned. he started going faster as you started to scream his name
"yeah~ just like that! scream my name! " he screamed as he started going faster and faster. you arched your back as you felt
the knot on your stomach started to loose. you screamed one last time before releasing. he remove his member and released to the floor. pants and heavy breathing were heard as guilt washes over you. why did you screamed his name? why did you gave into the pleasure? he smiled as he look at your face

"that was amazing Y/n!" he said as he untied the knot on your wrist
"now take a bath" he said as he throw a white kimono and a towel. you blushed as you walked towards the bathroom. after 15 minutes of relaxing, realization hits you. guilt built upon your heart as you realizes he stole your virginity. you giving in on the pleasure made your blood boil. you hate yourself. you shouldn't doing this. you began dressing up and opened the door. you lay in the futon as he tie your wrist. you don't care anymore. you're not you anymore. your eyes become dull and dull as sleepiness take you. you saw him smile before you drift into the darkness.

[ ✳❗Its over you can remove your hand or open your eyes❗✳]


"what do you mean? " Tanjiro asked impatiently yet polite.

"it can't disappear on its own maybe the culprit killed-" Giyuu stopped himself as the three of them froze.

"impossible" Shinobu said in disbelief. after a minute of heavy
and tense atmosphere, Shinobu broke the silence

"I'll talk to Oyakata-sama " she said and walk to where the headquarters is. The two exchange glances before nodding into each other as they followed quietly .


" I see, she was missing and got kidnapped by a certain demon slayer? " he asked

"yes" she answered politely. her eyes widened when he said

"he killed his own crow. I remember I sent her crow to find the culprit. I guess it's still going." he pause for a moment before calling her name" Shinobu? "

"yes? "

"I want you to call Tomioka Giyuu and Kamado Tanjiro. we'll discuss something " he says and she nodded. he called his daughters to attend the meeting.
she frowned to see them eavesdropping they nodded as they know what to do

a few seconds later, the aforementioned groups appeared and bowed to him.

"they're here, Oyakata-sama" they said in unison. as the atmosphere became tense and heavy

"good. I want to discuss about... "


[ I can't believe I just write a
lemon for the first time... 😂 well I hope you liked it. sorry if it's cringe]

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