The Storm Part 11

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After Gavin and Sarah, talked long into the night, they went to bed.

(this line break, means its the day after the day before.)

Gavin and Sarah, got up, they had breakfast, again. Than after that, Gavin and Sarah, talked some more about there lives. He said he was an Orphan. But he had a good childhood.

Sarah was glad that he had a good childhood. He talked about how his Parents spent a lot of time, with him, playing games with him when he was younger.

Sarah, was glad he was so understanding and nice, she felt lucky, she hadn't run into a mean giant." Than Sarah. told him some more about her family She said that when her and her older Sister, were growing up, they used to have slumber parties and sit up and talk all night, and tell eachother everything. But as they got older they sadly grew apart, secretly deep down inside, it always had bothered her, because of there age difference, they were 6 years apart. Gavin said " that was not fair and he wished that she had a Sister, Gavin reached down with his first finger crooked it around her and gave her a hug, Sarah patted his finger, told him thank you.

To Be Continued.....

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