Banana Milk And Dorayaki

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It had been 2 weeks since the notes and snacks had started showing up, and oddly enough, Kageyama had grown fond of them. A delicious homemade dessert, a carton of flavored milk and a sticky note with words of encouragement. It even kind of, cute, per say.

He appreciated the fact that someone had taken time out of their day to make him something, but his curiousity was getting the best of him.

Kageyama went to his desk as usual, today there was Banana Milk and Dorayaki. His lip quirked up slightly as he read the note.

Dear Kageyama san!

I heard you've been improving really well and learnt how to play in a team! I'm really proud of you! You're getting closer and closer to the training camp too! You guys will totally win it! Remember, believe in yourself and everything will be fine! I believe in you! Fighting!

- M

Kageyama smiled at the words, unbeknownst to him, the person who had wrote them was staring right at him, a wide smile on her face as she noticed how happy her efforts had made him.



Dorayaki is a popular Japanese snack made from two small round pancake like Castella patties, and stuffed with sweet azuki red bean paste or Anko making a Castella pancake stuffed with Anko.

Kageyama is becoming fond of Mochi's letters, yay! I'm so excited to carry with the progression of the story, I feel like it's progressing sort of quickly though but yeah. What do you think so far? Anyways, stay safe, have an amazing day and remember that you're loved and cherished!

Milk: Kageyama TobioWhere stories live. Discover now