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Junkook broke the kiss with his eyes still closed

Jimin hated when someone interluded his personal space..this way

But if this is the only way he'll have the younger closer to him who cares?

"Jimin..i don't have much time" he looked at him gently forcing a smile on his face

"Stop it. Stop it k-kook, * struggles to breath* what in the hell are you talking about please don't leave m-me i-i b-beg you I'll d-do anyth-thing j-just stay"

He watched the love of his life speaking, crying, hearing the whispers, begs, those hands cleching his shirt, those eyes open wide not fighting back tears anymore, his cheeks now red and dry from the dried tears, swollen lips

"Jimin, stop please" i couldn't breath anymore, seeing him broken was too hard

"My plane is leaving after 6 hours jimin" The betrayed look on his face I'll never forget, wish i could stay, but you deserve to be happy, your sweet soul isn't meant to be caged away like a broken bird deserve to be happy...

"I-it's okay It's a-alr-ight I'll f-fix this"

i watched him shuffle around, trying to reach for something..probably to quit the flight but even he doesn't know what to do, what to reach for, if only this world wasn't so cruel, you would've reached for me..wouldn't you?

I closed my eyes trying to hold it in until his hand reached for my face and by now he wasn't looking alright..he was too broken..a smile on his face as if he's trying to pull me in to stay..

"It-it's okay dont w-worry kook i- i will fix it d-on't cry I-I'll make it feel al-right" he smiled but i could tell he was holding it in..he looked crazy at this point..

"It's no use jimin" i stared sadly into his helpless eyes..looking into mine as if he's looking for a part that wants to be here..that wants to stay..

"You can't control who you love can you min? " he's too oblivious to understand me right now, he's too shaken up

" can't"

"And i can't ignore my desires anymore.. deserve the best this unfair world has to offer.."


"It's okay to cry, use me while I'm here jimin..and I'll use you to cry as well"

I hummed until jim fell asleep and untangled myself from him

I pulled 3 sweatshirts from my bag at the door n folded them with a goodbye letter to the group..i told them I'll go on a vacation..i can't say it to their face rn

  Jimin, the company, the group knew about me leaving, they looked everywhere for me, they kept spamming me with desparate messages

One day none of them texted so my instincts kicked in

I woke up in the middle of the night to a  voice mail from Suga, the only one who would be able to understand my situation

"I know you won't reply so i won't hope for more" his voice was shaky, the Suga i knew could conceal it..something was wrong

"Jimin.." my heart fell into a pit of worry

"..he's unconscious in ****** hospital room **.. we forced him to have threpy sessions but it didn't pay off"

i heard slight whipers and cracks now in his weak voice

"He couldn't stop nightmares from rushing from that day so he slit his wrists"

"Namjoon came just in time to carry him to the hospital,  they said he'd be awake by tommorow"

"I suggested we don't visit for a 3 days so you'll have a chance to be with him cuz i know you wouldn't want to face us, at least not now"

"Oh one more thing, jimin isn't the only one oblivious junkook.. so are you.." the voice mail ended

What did he mean?

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