Aroused [Part 2]

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I know I passed my scheduled update but I got distracted with Eid. Oh by the way Eid Mubarak to everyone who was fasting! <3


House: Any other than Hufflepuff.

Blood Status: Any

Warnings: Swearing - angst.


Third Person

"Hello, Professor Flitwick. Dumbledore is calling upon Y/n Y/l/n. May I borrow her for a few minutes?" Professor McGonagall asked, entering Charms class.

"Professor! Yes, of course! Go on, Miss Y/l/n. Malfoy, please make sure you tell her what we've done while she's gone," Professor Flitwick said. Draco nodded while Y/n packed up her things and followed McGonagall out of the class.

"Is anything wrong, Professor?" Y/n asked, a little concerned.

"Yes, Miss Y/l/n, but you'll have to wait until Professor Dumbledore explains everything to you. I was only given a brief explanation." Y/n could see a hint of sympathy in McGonagall's eyes as she gulps. She looks away from the Professor and continues her way to Dumbledore's office.

"Take a seat, Miss Y/l/n," Dumbledore said, looking out of his wide window.

Y/n sat on one of Dumbledore's comfortable chairs that are set right in front of his desk, while McGonagall stood a little farther from her next to Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix.

"Miss Y/l/n, we have some terrible news," he started, "your younger sister passed away an hour ago. As you know, she was suffering from leukaemia. Your parents would've contacted you but it was very sudden. They told me that she had a message for you. She said that it's okay you weren't there with her and that she loves you dearly. Miss Y/l/n, whatever happens, please don't blame yourself for this. If you would like to go home and take some time for yourself, you are pleased to do so. If not, you may stay here and not attend any classes. Whatever floats your broom. If you need anything, you can talk to me. She also wanted me to give you this." He gave you a white teddy bear with a Y/h emblem on its chest, symbolising your house. Y/n has never seen this before. Nonetheless, she took it.

"You're excused, right now. I'm sorry for your loss."

Y/n felt numb. Just numb. She's lost her little sister, Nova. Nova was like her daughter. She looked out for her and loved her – and still does – to the moon and back. She's only nine years old. How could she die so young?

"Th-Thank you, Professor. I'd rather stay in Hogwarts. I should go, now"

The second Y/n stepped out of his office, she started crying. She never cried, but nothing could stop her now.

Draco was looking for you everywhere to make sure you were okay and to give you the work you missed. He knew you don't care about the work but he also doesn't want you to fail. He's checked your common room, the Great Hall, the Black Lake. All he has left now is the Astronomy Tower.

He made his way up the long flight of stairs. As he approached the tower, he started to hear distant sobs. His speed accelerated and in less than a minute he was in the Astronomy Tower to find Y/n's curled up, shaking body on the floor, holding a teddy bear which looked quite familiar him.

"Y/n? Y/n, hey. What's wrong, love?" He knelt down next to her on the floor and wrapped an arm around her trembling body. Yet, he got no response.

"Y/n, love? Please, tell me what's going on," he said, concern washing over him. He's never ever seen Y/n cry, so this must be really, really bad.

"Sh-She's gone. Sh- Fuck, Draco, I didn't even get to say goodbye." Y/n sobbed and cried into his chest.

Draco knew who she was talking about. He's seen her with her sister and she's told him about her once or twice before. He saw how connected they were and how pure their relationship was. He knew about her condition and he once sent her a bear as a gift for her surviving a very risky surgery. He never told Y/n about it, though. And once he saw the bear you're holding, he knew it was the one he sent to Nova, and he deduced that she might've sent it to Y/n as a way of saying that she would always be with her.

"I remember this," he said, caressing the bear's head, "your sister survived the surgery you were really worried about, and I sent it to her. She was a fighter. You know, at least she isn't in pain anymore. All her suffering's gone. She's in a better place now. I know, it's what everyone says, but it's true. She's finally at peace. It's gonna be a hard few months, maybe even years, but she'd want you to be happy."

"Wait, you got this for her? No wonder why it's white," Y/n said and lightly chuckled.

"There's that smile." Draco grinned and rubbed her shoulder reassuringly.

"Thank you, Draco. Thank you for looking out for her. She probably would've passed sooner if it wasn't for your gift. I love you," Y/n said and hugged him tightly, like he's also going to leave.

Draco was shocked at your words but hugged you back just as tight. "I love you too. So much. You were a great sister. You still are. Even if she's gone, doesn't mean you title as a sister is gone. You know what?" he asked, lifting Y/n's head a bit so she could look at him.


"You could also be the best girlfriend ever. I know that it's not the time but I really wanna be there with you through everything. I wanna help you through this. So, could you please be my girlfriend?" He asked with little bit of regret because she might not like him back.

"Of course, Draco. Merlin, I thought I was being obvious." Y/n chuckled.

Draco was surprised and couldn't help but kiss her. Their lips met and the mutual passion and sadness was instantly shared between the two. They pulled away from each other and Y/n rested her head on his chest again. She hugged the bear tightly and wiped her tears away with her sleeve.

"I bet Nova would've been ecstatic about this. She always wanted us to be together."

Draco smiled and looked down at Y/n. "Hey. She is ecstatic about this. She's looking over you right now. I don't doubt it for a second."

"Yeah, you're right. I love you, Draco."

'I love you too, darling."


Shit. That was... ouch.

Dear Draco,
My spidey sense isn't the only thing tingling.

Lmao k byebye.

Words: 1.1k

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