Triwizard Tournament - First Task

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Above is what the dragon you will have looks like (this wasn't one of the dragons in the original task)


House: Slytherin

Blood Status: Half-Blood

Warnings: mentions of blood, violence, swearing

Notes: apparently here's when the tasks are dated:
First task: November 24th
Second task:  February 24th
Third task: June 24th
I only knew this while i was double-checking the tasks (just in case i got something wrong which I didn't I KNOW MY SHIT HOMIE)


"This is absurd!! Agh. Listen, I'm not saying you aren't strong enough for this because I know you're capable of so much, love, but this has to be some sort of mistake! I mean, I was with you–" Draco rants, but is cut off by your hands holding palming his cheeks.

"Draco, it's gonna be alright. We'll get to the bottom of this, but right now me and Harry have to focus on this task," you say, caressing his cheek to calm him down.

Draco sighs, "Alright, but I'm still gonna find out who did this."

"Of course you will." You chuckle. "I'm gonna go find Harry, he said that Hagrid's searching for us. I'll see you later, love." You kiss him gently and walk out of his dorm.

You crawl out of the painting and meet Harry at the entrance of the Slytherin common room.

"Come on, Hagrid's waiting for us," Harry says, holding your hand and leading you out of the school while throwing the Invisibility Cloak over the both of you.

As you make your way to Hagrid, Draco's also making his way to Dumbledore's office.

He knocks on the door and slowly goes in as he hears Dumbledore tell him to come in.

"Ah, Mr. Malfoy. How can I help you?" Dumbledore says while feeding Fawkes, his phoenix.

"Professor, I need to ask: do you have any idea how Y/n and . . . H-Harry's names ended up in the goblet?" Draco asks, making himself comfortable on the chair in front of the dark oak and crowded desk.


"I assure you, Mr. Malfoy, that every professor is trying to figure out how their names ended up in the goblet. We investigated the goblet and seen that no one else under the age of seventeen has their name in it, so there is no way a student of age put their name in it," he says, sitting on the comfortable chair behind his desk, "Although, we are sure it is someone in the school, since there is no record of anyone out of the ordinary coming in. We think that whoever put their names in the goblet has something against the Potters, but the only person who does have something against Harry – and would take action – is you, Draco."

"What?! Professo–" Draco protests, only to be interrupted by Dumbledore.

"Now, now, Draco. I know you wouldn't do anything like that, or ask anyone put their names in the goblet, because you know that if you did, Y/n would never forgive you. You know she isn't stupid and would directly figure out who put their names in the goblet. Even though you would've only put Harry's name if you wanted to – which I know you don't – because you wouldn't want to put your girlfriend in danger, now would you, Malfoy?"

"Of course not, Professor!"

Dumbledore smiles and gets up to pat Draco's shoulder. "We'll find out who it is, Draco. You can help us, but you should always tell us of your suspects and your theories. Is that understood, Malfoy?"

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