⚜4⚜ New nightmare

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The nerve of that guy is unbelievable! Even when I told him who I was, he still went ahead and insulted me, refusing to apologize for his mistake. I've never met someone who talks back to me like that. How can he still be working here if he walks around ruining peoples clothes and spitting out insults left and right? He even tried to hit me!

I return to my room and Jin flinches when the door slams against the wall. He's busy dusting off the table in the common area and gives me a questioning look.

"Did something happen? Oh my, why are your clothes wet?"

"Some little punk ran into me and now I need something new to wear. Jungkook was wearing some fancy shit and I can't come to the dinner looking worse than him."

Jungkook that fucking bastard. He clearly saw that the servant was about to hit me, but he didn't even seem to care. Does he tolerate that kind of behavior around here? In that case I can freely give that little gorilla a taste of his own medicine. I've never punched someone before, but I really want to do it to that guy.

Jin stops cleaning for a moment and goes to dig around in the suitcases. I was hoping he would've already unpacked everything by now, but I guess it takes some time cleaning this dirty hellhole. He takes out a nice black and white suit and accompanies it with a red band to go across the chest. 

"Does this fit your taste, Your Highness?"

"It works. I need a shower first though. There's drink in my hair."

"I've already prepared the bathroom so it's ready for you."

"Good. Undress me."

He puts the clothes down on the bed and wastes no time untying my tie. He removes the blazer from my shoulders and unbuttons my wet shirt. I watch his face as he works and it always fascinates me how he can be so beautiful. My hand runs through his hair and he looks up at me while continuing with undoing my belt. He's done this so many times that he doesn't even need to see what he'd doing.

"Jin, I want you to accompany me tonight. I need to relieve some stress from what's happened today. You brought the stuff, didn't you?"

He simply gives a silent nod and lets my pants fall down to the floor. As always he takes all the clothes and folds them neatly even though they're just going to the laundry anyway. I leave him to it and walk into the bathroom to clean myself up. I notice there's a bathtub as well as a shower. I'll let Jin make me a bath some other day. I don't have much time now before the stupid dinner.


Jin stays behind to finish cleaning when I walk downstairs to the dining room. I guess he'll just eat with the other servants or something. I would've liked him to come with me, but I guess I prefer a clean room over his company during the dinner. 

On the first floor I see Jungkook waiting for me with a plastered on smile. I can't believe I have to put up with him for the unforeseeable future. I've already had enough of him for an entire lifetime.

"What about your servant?" he asks. 

"He's upstairs doing his job. Why?" I respond in a harsh tone.

He gives a dismissive shrug and walks into the dining room. I follow him while giving a suspicious look. I feel like he's up to something, but I don't get to dwell on it when I hear the excited sounds from the king and queen who are already seated at the end of the long table. They get up just in order to greet me.

"Taehyung, my boy! It's been so long since we last saw you!" the king says through his thick beard. He gives me a hug that I force myself to accept. His grip is strong and he almost crushes me in his arms. When he finally lets go, I get attacked by the queen instead and for some reason she's just as strong. I guess it shouldn't come as a surprise that Jungkook is so muscular when he has these two as his parents.

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