⚜41⚜ My answer: Take 2

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I already know the way to the garden even without the artworks, but I keep looking at them just in case. Eventually I reach the glass door leading outside and I leave my bags on the floor before stepping out on the stone pathway. Crickets are singing and the fountain's water makes a calming sound. I round the rose bushes and just like expected I see Jungkook sitting on the stone fountain waiting for me. A small branch breaks under my foot and as soon as he hears the sound he stands up. He's clearly excited but upon looking at my face he tries controlling himself. He's probably unsure how to face me at the moment.

"You showed up," he says as I approach him.

"It'd be rude of me if I didn't after you went through all that trouble. So... what do you want? I don't have all day believe it or not."

"You don't plan on staying?"


"...I see."

It's slightly awkward and I can tell he's disappointed from my answer, but he takes a deep breath to collect himself. He looks at me with a serious face.

"I was wrong," he says. "I thought that if I just went along with my parents' wishes, somehow everything would turn out alright in the end. That was naive of me. As you probably already know, they wanted me to find a wife at the ball to try and stop me from sleeping around since it'd hurt both my and the family's image. I tried my best and they've been bugging me for an answer ever since, but I haven't been able to give one. The truth is that I stopped with my bad habits as soon as you moved in here. I'm sure you already know where this is going."

He takes a little breather and I do already know what he's going to say, or at least the gist of it. He nervously swallows before forcing the words out.

"I love you, Jin-hyung. I was foolish to try and push you away. I guess my reasoning was that I was upset when finding out that you'd actually been with Taehyung. Of course I had no reason to be angry since you were never mine from the start, but I still shouldn't have been so cold to you. I haven't told my parents who I want to marry yet simply because I don't know how you feel about me. I promised to give them an answer tomorrow morning, so please tell me your true feelings as quick as you can."

His hands shake a little and I can only find it adorable how nervous he is. What kind of answer is he expecting? Perhaps that I'll just reject him? I already have my answer figured out.

"Jungkook, I'm sorry. I'm already in love with Taehyung."

In an instant his face falls and I can tell he has no idea how to react. That was definitely not the answer he was expecting. I wait for him to say something and he really struggles to find any words. Poor guy. I didn't want to do this to him, but playing along would just hurt him even more. I have to end this while I can. 

"Y-you love Taehyung?" he eventually asks and his hurt voice really cuts into my heart. "Are you serious?"

"I'm very serious."

He just looks at me with big eyes and I can see his lower lip quivering. 

"Then why did you come here?" he asks. "If your answer was no you could've just stayed away."

"If I did that you would still have some hope left. This is for the best, Jungkook. Now you know my answer and you'll be able to move on. Go find a lovely wife to marry. Don't let me hold you back anymore."

He starts frowning at me instead and I see him clenching his fists in anger.

"Were you just toying with me the entire time? Did you laugh at me behind my back? Was this all a joke to you?"

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