Chapter 5

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The horrifying images in Duncan's nightmare wouldn't stop. All he could see was the blood pouring from his non-existant limbs and the stone grey, eyeless faces of the corpses lining the corridor, the twisted smile of his torturer and the flourecent green light coming from the other side. All he could hear was his imaginary screams and cries of pain and the corrupted laughter of the man tearing and slicing his body apart. And he couldn't do anything. In real life, he could feel the energy in his arms and legs getting slowly drained away, so he couldn't even move a muscle, let alone twitch. He just wanted to escape from this mess, he just wanted to leave unharmed and pretend that it never happened. He just wanted to wake up. All he wanted was to see Lewis and Simon again, he wanted to know that he was safe, that they were safe, that everything was OK, but he didn't get what he wanted.

Pondering on what to do, Lewis and Simon kept their eyes on their friend, looking for any more strange behaviour or any further signs of distress. "Nothing else so far..." muttered the spaceman, resting his chin in one hand, one arm across his chest, but then the alarm sounded. "Help... me..." hoarsely whispered the nightmare ridden scientist, fear and panic showing through every inch of his body, turning onto his front and clutching his pillow, his breathing heavy and uncontrollable. "Shit." Lewis said, failing to keep his voice down, him and Simon kneeled down beside Duncan and the dwarf took the side of his arm. "Make it stop..." the scientist growned even louder, his fright overloaded face slightly flushed from the shock, the spaceman took back his breath, held it in for a few seconds, and then yelled in Duncan's ear.

Immediately, Duncan sat up in bed and hugged Simon for all his life. "Err... Duncan??" Lewis asked, eyeing him for any signs of injury or a device that someone like Sips or Rhythian strapped to him, because maybe it was a device that caused the nightmare. "Yes it was a nightmare." Duncan said, monotone, still suffering from the shock, releasing his grip from the dwarf beside him and slouching over. Lewis sighed, and sat beside his traumatised friend on the bed, "You know, I'm not surprised you managed to survive that." Lewis started, making Duncan pull of a cheesy grin as Simon smirked, rolling his eyes, "But, what was that nightmare about anyway??" Lewis asked out of curiosity, and Duncan told them everything. Every single detail, every single sound that he heard, he told them everything (but I've already told you everything, so I don't need to type that all down here).

"Whoa... well, that's a nightmare and a half." Simon stated, the intrigued look in his eyes still there, Lewis was right about Lalnable being in the nightmare, the description that Duncan gave was exactly as he remembered the bastard. Garnet red eyes, messy straw blonde hair, a psychotic look on his face, a bloody white labcoat and cracked, dark lensed goggles. "Hang on a sec, you know that green light I saw in my dream??" Duncan asked, a curious look in his eyes, Lewis nodded, just as confused as ever, "Good." Duncan continued, "'Cause, err... there's a green light heading it's way to Hat Films' base-" "OH SHIT!!!!"

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