Chapter 4

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I take it you're getting tired of all of this clone Duncan business after 3 whole chapters of it, I'm sorry, but it's far from over. This fanfic kinda relys on this structure and plot to continue, no clones, no evil villains to do some crazy shit and make this story what it is. Other than all that, I hope you enjoy the rest of my fanfic (which is now sort of my life) and that you at least find the next few chapters some what intriguing.

<< END >>

Over at Yoglabs (after Hypercubed), 3 brave workers were also trying to get some hard earned sleep, one was Honeydew (Simon), the loyal dwarf, one was Xephos (Lewis), the courageous spaceman, and the last was... yet ANOTHER Duncan. However, this Duncan knew about the clones, since once he was created he had helped make some of the others, although there was one clone he knew absolutely nothing about, until now...

It was quite a peaceful night that evening in Yoglabs, well, it was for Simon anyway, as Lewis was up making himself a midnight cuppa and the blonde inmate was tossing and turning desparate for some shut eye. And just to let you know, none of the events you've seen or read are normal, because if it was all normal the key un-normal part to this story would make no fucking sence now, wouldn't it?? And if these events aren't normal, imagine how abstract Duncan's nightmare in this chapter is, I'll tell you.


Duncan was frozen still, standing in a long, damp corridor with radioactive corpses and dried blood covering every inch of the walls and floor, and everything was coated in a radiant green light. He could hear laughing, somewhat similar to the 'Happy Mask Salesman' from the Zelda series, and then footsteps of a man, who looked almost exactly like him, who was getting nearer and nearer...


Duncan didn't look right under his covers, he was usually very, I mean VERY, relaxed when trying to sleep but tonight... he was the complete opposite. His muscles were tence, and he was curled up more than usual, almost completely into a ball, and when ever he turned himself over I could see sweat covering every inch of his forehead.


The man, who was originally at the very end of the corridor, was now right up against my face. Even though none of his features were visible, I could tell that he looked a lot like me. In the blink of an eye, his flaming red eyes were piercing through mine, his sadistic grin poisoning my heart and mind with fear. A machete swung down, striking my imaginary limbs repeatedly, the sight of the blood making me feel weak as my dream self was screeching and crying in pain. "S-stop!!" my dream self yelled, although nothing happened, "P-please... stop!! STOP!!!!"

<< LEWIS' POV >>

Even though Duncan's behaviour was far from ordinary, I thought that it was just because I left the heating on, and I assumed that he'd get used to it after a while. Since I was tired and wanted a cuppa to ease my dry throat I just decided to ignore this and head down to the kitchen, but then he drew my attention again, and this time it was serious. When I turned around, Duncan had turned to face me and was groaning in his sleep, his facial expressions told me he was in some sort of pain and he was sweating so much it looked like someone threw him in the river.


Once Lewis had approached him enough to fully make out his face in the light, Duncan turned over once again and murmured the word "Stop...". OK, now this was serious. Immediately, Lewis shook Simon awake, causing him to ask what the problem was, but all Lewis said in reply was "It's him.", pointing to Duncan. Simon looked at his sleepless friend, and then back at Lewis, with a strong feeling that the problem was right on the top of his head. "Lalnable??" the ginger dwarf whispered, keeping his voice at minimum level, the spaceman nodded, and agreed with his friend on the problem, "Yup, Lalnable."

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