1. - The Lonely Tower

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Albus Potter hated school. It would have been perfectly okay in case of an average one, but he was at the best school in the whole wide world and he knew that. His parents told him about their wonderful years and life-changing experiences they had at Hogwarts, they even got to know each other there, they fell in love in the Gryffindor Tower. Still, Al hated almost every bit of Hogwarts and he hated the Gryffindor Tower the most. His parents always told them that they had a kind of a family there, they have found their true friends. His father always said he felt nowhere more at home than at Hogwarts. Al couldn't share this feeling, on the contrary, he couldn't have felt more lonely.

One night he was even more homesick than usually. He sat on the windowsill looking out to the dark shapes of the enourmous park of the castle, thinking about his sister. He missed her, he always felt much closer to her than to his elder brother. James being at school and in the same house didn't make Al's staying at Hogwarts any easier. He was popular and wild, he never cared about his brothers feelings, he never even stopped to ask how he was doing, he was too busy hanging out with his similarly wild friends. Al didn't like any of them, as he didn't like any of his own roommates either. They were always up to no good, they wanted to show the world how brave they were. They played different games which were about doing crazy things, just because they dared to. Al found it ridiculous, being a Gryffindor never meant to be stupid and not to care about the consequences. They have lost lots of house points because of these games of the other boys.

Al was planning a letter in his head which he wanted to write for his sister, Lily. He didn't start to write it immediately, because he didn't want to wake his rommates up with the light. They were a much better company when they were asleep. Al was relieved and proud when he was sorted into the house which his parents used to belong to, but that feeling was almost completely gone since then. He thought several times that he might have been stupid not wanting to be sorted into Slytherin, but the Sorting Hat had no doubts about him being a Gryffindor. Suddenly he realised he was crying. He didn't notice when he started it, but he dried his eyes immediately. Which Gryffindor would cry about not having his little sister around?! About not having anyone around...

Albus sighed and shook his head. He stood up and quietly left the dormitory. In the common room he stopped and tried to decide where to go without being catched by Filch. He grapped a parchment and a quill and quickly wrote a letter. He concentrated strongly on the spell he learnt last week, took his wand out and whispered the words. The letter flew out of the window and disappeared. Al hoped it will find a way to get to the dungeons.

- What are you doing? – he heard a high voice from behind him. He turned around and saw a pretty, ginger first year girl standing on the stairs which led to the dorms of the girls'.

- Nothing, Rosie – he rolled his eyes as he looked at his cousine. They were both first years, and Rose was one of the reasons Al still didn't try to escape from school yet. However, he seriously was planning to. It didn't meet his expectations at all.

- You shouldn't cause any trouble, you know – she said. – You keep losing points, we all are trying to get them back in vain.

- Don't act like I would be one of them! – he replied angrily. – There is no us, I can't change my dorm even though I want to, but I don't share anything else with those guys! What the hell are you doing here anyway?

- I heard noises – Rose shrugged. – Did you open the window? Al, you didn't try to send messages again, did you?

The boy didn't answer which told his cousine everything.

- You don't even know how to use that spell successfully! – she rolled her eyes. – You may not be one of them, but you have lost points, too, exactly with these stupid messages! Stop doing it, Al, you are not allowed to go out of the dorms or send messages at night!

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