10 - Down once more

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Albus and Scorpius wanted to be sure. They didn't want to risk anyone else' life, but they wanted to make sure that if they die in the Chamber, someone will know where they went and get help to save everone else. They left a letter for Lorcan, Will and Vince in the Slytherin dorm and sneaked out not long after midnight. The whole day was a mess: everyone was worried, and they couldn't find any of the children. Their parents were already in the school, and everyone was in panic, including the teachers. Some of the children have already gone home, some of them were planning to leave in a few days, but everyone was scared and they locked their dorms' doors even more carefully. 

Some elder boys in the Slytherin common room talked about being safe because they aren't mudbloods, but almost everyone else was afraid that it might not be over with the disappearance of the muggleborns. Scorpius tried to convince Albus that they should tell the teachers about what they found in the Chamber, but he refused to take his advice. He was certain they wouldn't believe them, or if they could talk to Neville – or Prof Longbottom, as he should have called him – he would forbid them to try to find out more things about it. Neville Longbottom was a really nice man, but he wanted to protect the children more than anything, and Albus had absolutely no intentions to sit in his dorm while someone else was trying to find out what was going on. 

It wasn't like he wanted to die, but he was certain they were gonna make it: they were gonna manage to sneak into the Chamber, find out what was happening and tell the teachers afterwards, when they are already sure about everything. The reason why Scorpius could be convinced in the end was Harry Potter's old Invisibility Cloak. Albus knew exactly that James had stolen it 2 years ago and kept it in his dorm. There was no other way he could do all that stupid stuff to prove he is brave enough, without getting noticed.

 Albus decided it was time for stealing it from his brother, so in the afternoon he sneaked into his dorm and took it. It wasn't really hard to find, it was under James' bed, he must have trusted all his roommated very much. Albus thought there was no reason at all to trust them, but he wouldn't have trusted his own brother, either. But he managed to steal the cloak and there they were, standing in the bathroom on the second floor, both under the cloak, staring at the open entrance of the Chamber.

- Broom? – Scorpius asked. Al showed him the broom he was holding. It was James' too. Al felt a bit ashamed of stealing all the stuff of his brother's but he convinced himself that the cloak and the money which had been spent on the broom, originally belonged to his dad.

Scorpius took a deep breath and nodded. They sat on the broomstick and flew into the hole. It was more comfortable than jumping down and they didn't land that loudly. They left the broom where they landed and stepped into the tunnel. In the hall at the end of the tunnel there was light, but not only a tiny one which comes from the wands, it looked like a normal room with candles. However, it was the most terrifying thing the boys have ever seen. 

The 27 children were lying on the floor, dead. Some of them had their heart ripped out, other ones had no head anymore. But outside of the boys there were three people in the hall, very much alive. Gregory Goyle stood next to the wall with an incredibly beautiful woman, who must have been his wife.

 Next to the dead bodies stood Cyrill Malfoy.

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