Just A Poem

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I started my journey long ago,
I didn't know where,
I just wanted to go,
Just escape from this nightmare.

I haven't seen, where is the end,
But I knew, there will be a friend.
An old friend, who's just waiting for me,
A good friend, who I want to see.

The path is full of difficulty,
But these are can't stop me.
I will reach my path's end,
I don't care if there will be no help.

I want to escape, out of this nightmare,
No matter what, I will escape, I swear.
Sometimes I met little shadows,
And followed them into dark hollows.

There were no light,
Or any brightness,
Just a lot of pain,
And more darkness.

The shadows cought me,
And I can't see,
I heard, they wanted to help me out,
But my soul, and mind were already caught.

Suddenly, I saw some light,
It wasn't big, but I saw it right.
There was a peacefull voice, and I heard,
I felt a warming light, deep in my heart.

Then, a smooth hand caught me,
Grabbed me out of the darkness, and there was she.
She saved me from the emptyness,
Her voice, her smile was whole brightness.

I continued my path, but not alone,
No, because of her, I was not alone anymore.
Together, we can fight against the mean things,
And I can feel deep, lovely feelings.

One day we reached a ravine,
A deep, dark, creepy hole,
Suddenly I felt a hit on my back,
And I started to fall.

She caught my hand in the last minute,
And that's when I already understand it.
I saw his face, his brighty eyes,
But in that moment, they were cold as ice.

We could defeat the shadows because of her,
And I wasn't save from darkness by her.
No, the darkness were always with me,
And the reason is, that the darkness was she.

I had never be free from the loneliness,
The whole time, I was in the darkness.
It was only a trick, an illusion,
And there, I didn't know what will happen.

She would win, and it would take me,
But in the last moment, she cought me.
I would fell in the darkest place,
And then, she would won this race.

Suddenly, she drag me up from there,
I wanted to run, but didn't know where.
I looked behind, to see what will happen,
And then I saw her jump down all of a sudden.

After that, I heard a little voice,
"Fall in the dark or live in the light,
Now, the last choice is yours."

That was her voice, I knew,
For me, that smooth voice wasn't new.
I heard that, when I thought I escaped,
And then, I understand what she did.

She sacrificed herself for my freedom,
Because She fell in love with this two leged boredom.
She... She loved me, and gave me a new choice,
And from that moment, I have never forgot her voice.

And now, we arrived at the present,
Now, you all know, what happened.
I got a choice, from the nicest shadow,
And the darkness will never win, I will not allow.

Now, I'm on my real path again,
And I will never fall in the dark again.
I will continue my journey, don't care how long,
Because I know, at the end, I will be not alone.

There will wait an old friend,
That friend is the sadness,
But I will never be sad,
Because there will be she, the nicest darkness.

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