Getting used to it

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Once again I'm so sorry for having the chapters so short and I've re read some of the chapters and I've seen some typos so sorry about that as well. 😩😔

I wake up early the next morning and for a split second I think I'm back at home, in my own bed. But then I take in my surroundings and realize that I am at my dads.

I get out of bed and hobble down the stairs. I am so stiff from the journey here. One thing that you should remember is that from the moment I stepped through these doors I haven't liked my dad very much. And as I get down the stairs I gather that he feels the same way about me. I hear my parents whispering and I hide behind the couch. I can't hear clearly but I can make out who they're talking about, ME. This is how part of the conversation goes: ( mum is italics, dad is not)
"Should we go shopping for hollys school uniform".
"Yes, you can go I've already told you I won't to spend as little time with that brat as possible".
"Ok, she is your daughter
as well you know".
" Yes I know that but I think she has a grudge on my smoking and I don't like the look of her ".
" You can't just..."
" I can do what I f**ken want to".

I absolutely hate my dad. He is a total idiot. I wish he was never born. I wish I had a different dad. For a second I thought I was going to like Wellington, now that has flown right out of the window. I got so angry that I forgot I was hiding and stood up. I didn't care, I was going to get my dad back.
" I hate you too dad and I wish we never had to move" I shout. I can tell dad was surprised that I was there.
Dad steps forward but I stand my ground. Suddenly there is a fist coming from nowhere and it hits me square in the eye. As I go unconscious I hear my mum saying " how could you do that" and then nothing.
When I wake up I am propped against a cushion and the house I quiet. I see a not on the table. It says ' dad and I have gone shopping, back in a couple of hours. I try to stand up but I feel really dizzy so I sit back down again. This is great. I have moved when I didn't want to, I am in a city where I have no friends, and now I have an abbusive dad. life is just 'great'!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2014 ⏰

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