Dont You Dare(SCP-173)

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Side note: imagine 173 being able to talk, and being a little more human- like the thing up there↑


"Attention all Class-D Personal. Please enter the containment chamber."

A voice commanded over the loud speaker. And no no, before you question it. You are not a D-Class. You were a level 4 researcher who was about to enter SCP-173's containment chamber with some D-Class who could keep an eye on 173 while you did your tests.

"Please approach SCP-173 for testing."

The loud speaker went off again. The 4 D-Class slowly approached the now humanoid sculpture. Humanoid you might ask? Well. Long story short, a body was developed for SCP-173. Considering it was mainly just concrete and rebar, could it have been transferred into another body or entity? After somehow getting SCP-106 to take care of the process of removing the concrete from SCP-173, leaving the rebar frame, you had got to work on assembling the frame into the body that you and some scientists had managed to construct. It took a while, but eventually 173 learned how to move it's rebar frames around to control its new limbs, and get used to its new light weight shell. Though some alterations to the body were made which you didn't add. A mouth - like gap formed in the middle of the vessels forehead, along with a set of black orbs positioned on the cheek areas- Like eyes to accompany the human looking green eyes. These were the most distinct features which allowed anyone to know that this was SCP-173. And you might be wondering, why would you decide to give a merciless killer statue a body it could manage easier, well, the simplest answer would be, it's all for the sake of scientific research.

'well well well. If it ain't the good docta' (Y/N) (L/N). Hehe, I didn't expect to see you any time soon. What brought you to visit me so suddenly, huh~?'

His American tinted accent accompanied his personality quite well. Sassy. Sarcastic, childish.

"Nothing much. I just dropped by to ask how your new body was working out for you."

You glanced at the D-Class who were quietly alerting each other when they would blink and so on. Though SCP-173 was practically human, the no blinking rule still applied.

'ehh. It still feels kinda funny, but hey- not like I had a choice so I'mma just have to suck it up and deal with it, right doc?'

He flicked his gaze to behind you, and then back to your face, staring at you with a wide grin. Sarcasm coated his sentence. You couldn't help but chuckle. This slightly confused him because, everybody hated the fact he could now speak and whenever he gave them attitude, it was always snarky and sarcastic.

"Hah, I suppose not. But either way, don't you agree that having proper hands are much nicer now?"

You tilted your head to the side, giving 173 a cheeky grin, humoring his sarcasm.

'I guess so. Meh, yeah, whatever. Ooi, D-Bois, stop starin' at me will ya? Didn't your mama's ever tell ya that starin' is rude~?'

He grinned, staring at them. He could be a real child sometimes. The D-Class each gave each other individual glances before shaking their heads, as if they were disappointed. Besides, they knew that if you died. Well, they'd be thrown in with SCP-682 for disobedience.

"They may be D-Class, but they're not stupid, 173. But anyways, I'm just going to be doing a few observations. Nothing more, nothing less. You won't have to do anything. Doesn't that sound nice?"

You stared at him, a hint of sarcasm present in your voice. Two people could play that game.

'I- what the f*ck lady. Sarcasms my thing not yours, go get your own.'

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