Please. . .(049 x Infected¿Reader)

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(May be sad... I don't know)

•́  ︵ ,•̀
11 years. 11 years you had been in contact with SCP-049. You were in the facility ever since your infant years, as your mother who was previously a researcher, had sadly died after childbirth. The choice of sending you to an orphanage was considered, but a scientist decided against it and took you into her own care. You met the Plague Doctor at age 5 and now you were 16. And within those 11 years, you formed a bond. Friendship, some may call it. And others may call it... A father and child relationship. Non the less, It was against O5 rules to form such relationships with SCP's, saying it was against protocol. But you didn't abide to those rules. You found comfort, in his company. And he found comfort in yours. A mutual affection, you both shared. A relationship you both cherished.

But nothing good, lasts forever. And that, was the hard part.


"Doc, you should take a break. You've been working for days on end now. And now I know you don't get fatigued but still... Please?"

You watched the Doctor work silently. He tilted his head in your direction ever so slightly, the white of his masks' beak just barely showing over his tense shoulder.

"I see no reason to stop working, dear. And so, I shall do no such thing. My work, is most important."

He got back to work, leaving you to smile softly at his stubbornness. However, you would not have it. Not one bit. Quietly, making your way towards him, you leaned your cheek against the upper part of his shoulder blade, and slid your hands along the doctors arms, till they found his wrists. He had gone stiff, his breathing becoming almost silent. Once your hands removed the scalpel he was holding, you pulled him away from the occupied(meaning there was a corpse on it :'c) operating table.

". . ."

The doctor hesitantly let you pry him from his work space, and towards an unoccupied chair that was stationed just in the back corner of the room. With a gentle push, 049 was sitting in the chair, arms crossed delicately over his chest. Releasing his wrist, you stepped behind the chair and closed your eyes slowly. Resting your elbows on the top of the chairs backrest on either side of the doctors head, you began fiddling with your fingers subconsciously.

"See, doesn't it feel nice to just... Sit down every once in a while?"

The doctor wiped his gloved hand on the arm rest of the chair, ridding it of some crimson. He lightly traced his thumb over the back of your right hand. He gave a soft hum in response, letting out a heavy breath.

"I suppose. Although, I'd much rather be working."

"Of course you would, Doc. Of course you would."

Smiling again, you opened your (e/c) orbs, staring straight ahead at the wall infront of you. A comfortable silence fell over the both of you. It was moments like this, when you felt happiest. Just, enjoying one another's presence, in silence. The doctor once again, let his hand fall into his lap as the silence continued.


"Doctor! I need to return to the lab. I know you missed me, and I missed you too, but really, this is a bit much. Especially for you."

You couldn't hold back a strained smile as the doctor held you from behind, his arms enveloping you in a gentle embrace. His steady breaths flooded your hearing, as he only held you closer at your words. You hadn't seen him in 3 weeks, as you were stationed elsewhere to fill in for an absent researcher. Apparently from what you heard, the Doctor had been excessively violent and uncooperative, demanding your presence every chance he got. He ended up killing about 7 researchers and 9 guards during those 3 weeks, and had not settled down in the slightest. His emotional outbursts were more unstable and aggressive, only making him more unsafe to work with. When you had first entered his containment cell, everything was a mess. Books were strewn across the floor, his tools were laying scattered on the operating table. And there were... Claw marks on the glass and walls near the observation window.

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