Bitter sweet

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We were on the couch on our phones when Diego got a called and he kept saying your kidding right ?! And he ran upstairs with tears in his eyes. He was gone for a wile so I went upstairs and him and Y/N were in his room crying and I ran to them
V: omg are you guys ok?
Them: our P-parents died.
I felt terrible
V: I'm so sorry I can't imagine
Y/n: my birthday is ruined
There eyes were red and puffy.
V: you know what you guys take a shower and get dressed up nice we are all going to go out the cheer you up.
Y/N: I'm not in the mood I don't even feel important anymore my birthday is canceled
V: no it's not and you are very important so go get ready you to Diego
D: fine
V: ok me and the others are going to get dressed imma send 2  girls up here to help y/n there names are Vic and Ellie and imma go get my clothes and stuff and help Diego.
Then: ok


I'm still sad but Vallyk is right
)If the song is over keep playing it )
It's still my birthday so imma play my music and get ready but he said he was gone have 2 girls come help me so I'll wait for them.
*10 mins later*
I here a knock at my door.
Y: come in
2 pretty girls come in
??: hi Y/N ?
Y: hi yes I'm Y/N
??: hi I'm Vic
??: hi I'm Ellie
Y: hi guys
V: ok so let's get ready btw your mad pretty like girl give me your looks !!
Y: awww thank you lol you guys are pretty to
Them: thanks.
Ellie: ok so we are going to go swimming first so put this on. They pic out

 They pic out

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Y: Good option!!Them: we know !!

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Y: Good option!!
Them: we know !!

Vic : and we all have the same thing but in different colors!! I think we will me besties !!
Y: same!!
Vic has what I had but I'm black and Ellie had the same but in white (pants )

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