The rest of the stuff
I'll show the rest in a bit but Bella decided to change toWhen everyone got here and she had a bow like her other one but it was half light pink and half dark pink / hot pink and it had her name and a 8 and then we were listening to music and stuff and they were playing in the play house and everything then it was time to open gifts
What Diego got her:
Me and Vallyk got her like 100 dolls and doll clothes,shoes and clothes and shoes for herself and also just other girly things and now it time for arts and crafts and we had pizza and wigs and Mac and cheese and fruit and veggies and all that good stuff and we did this
And all the kids had little aprons and stuff or whatever they are called and me,Diego and Vallyk changed (Diego's said uncle and it was like a jean color)
With jeans and I had on
And they had on air force 1's and after the kids were done we sang happy birthday and the cake looked like this
But it had 8 and Isabella duh so yeaaa