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The Moon-Rose Pack blamed Lilia-Rose McDonald. In many ways, she blamed herself. It was the first large snow of the year. Her favorite time to go further north and play in the snow. "It's tradition." She insisted that morning so long ago.

Into the old, rusting car, they went. Lilia seat-belted herself into her middle seat, sitting atop her booster. On the highway they drove, and the next thing Lilia knew, the vehicle was destroyed. The four-ton truck, driving way too fast, acted like an atom bomb as it plowed through the passenger side of the car. A symphony of grinding. Mixed with a chorus of popping and exploding. The screams of people and the crushing of trees. The doors had ripped off as the car flipped side over side into the snowy ditch. Wheels and hubcaps spread themselves out bouncing away from where they were once affixed too. Engine parts spewed liquid. Then all went silent.

Lilia began to wail. She screamed and cried for her parents as the truck driver pulled her from the car. He cooed at her, trying to tell her he was calling someone to help, and asked her to please calm down. She could follow his instructions though, because she knew, they were gone. Her little body had pushed her wolf forward just enough to save her, and felt her parents connection fail.

We are coming for you, Lilia. Her Alpha spoke through his link to his pack. We are coming, and you'll pay for what you've done. And pay she did.


Aden- Catullus

Tall, strong, golden stalks of wheat surrounded the flattened fighting ring. The field mice scattering as the humans approached the clearing. The mid summer heat beat down on the men. The sweet earthy smells of the field mingled with the stench of musky, woody sweat. Their skin prickling uncomfortably from the high temperature. The heat so intense the breeze swishing the stalks did nothing to ease their discomfort.

"You ready?" Talone asked the young eighteen-year-old.

"As I can be. I couldn't hide my strength forever." Aden replied.

"Couldn't you have waited until it was cooler?" He jest with a quick elbow to Aden's side.

"If only."

They stayed silent as they waited for the rest of the party to come. Each member of the pack hierarchy stood in the perfectly cut circle of the fighting ring. A tall, olive toned, muscular man named Atlas, was Alpha's second. Next was Talone the Alpha's third, and Aden's number one supporter. He was tall, with lean muscle and all knowing brown eyes. The Alpha's fourth was short, but bulky. His hair black as a raven's wings in the middle of winter; his eyes brown and gold. This was Fang.

The last person to make it to the clearing, several minutes late, was the lanky Alpha. His human form was nothing to fear. In fact, over the years many overlooked him all because he seemed insignificant in every way, until he was in wolf form. Many wondered how a small man could have such a strong wolf within him.

Atlas, Talone, and Fang moved to the middle of the clearing. They stood between their current Alpha, and his challenger, Aden.

"We stand as witnesses to this challenge. Aden-Catullus you challenge your Alpha, Logan, for the right to his position?" Atlas spoke in his gravel tone.

"Yes." The young man's voice was steady. He showed no anger, no weakness. If I die, at least I tried to help my pack. He reminded himself.

"Alpha Lucas, you accept his challenge and understand it is to the death?"

"Yes." The slender man's neck stiffened as he snarled. His biceps quivered, readying for the shift.

"Good. Both of you are to fight in wolf form. You cannot receive any help from us, or others who may be lurking about. This battle is to the death, any submission will be seen as a forfeit. Your opponent will kill you. Do you understand these rules I have set out?"

"Yes." They replied at the same time.

"I witness," Talone said and Fang echoed. They had the important job of seeing all was fair.

In a flash, wolves stood where the men once were. The slightly larger wolf was Aden-Catullus. His deep gray fur rose as he growled. Aden was strong and massive in human form, it was fitting for his wolf to be the same. The pitch black wolf was Lucas. His wolf snarled back at Aden. A slight tinge of fear showed in his eyes. For as long as he could remember, the wolf had been larger, and stronger than all of his opponents.

With heads low to the ground, they began the dance of the pre-fight. Around and around they went. One occasionally taking a step forward, only to be snapped and growled at. Lucas was the first to make a move. He lunged for Aden.

Prepared for the wolf, Aden jumped to the side and turned to face his opponent once more. Aden bit down on Lucas' side before the wolf could compose himself from the missed attack. A whimpered bark came from Lucas. Aden jumped back from the hurt, angered wolf. They circled once more. One occasionally jumping or nipping and falling back. Almost as though they had coordinated a painful dance.

Each wolf had blood dripping off their fur and onto the golden ground. Splatters of brownish- red liquid covered the ring. Each one telling the story of the recent blow to a wolf. As they danced, Lucas maneuvered himself closer and closer to Aden. He lunged and managed to get a grip on Aden rear, right leg. With a deep pained, growl, Aden tried to turn and bite Lucas, but the black wolf's grip held strong. His jaw hanging on with every move. Aden shook his leg violently, but to no avail. With nothing left to do, he began rolling, which twisted his leg. He knew it would break, but with the crack of the leg, Lucas lost his grip.

Aden looked formidable despite his leg. Quickly as the tri-legged wolf could, he lunged for Lucas. Practically half of Lucas' face ended up in Aden's mouth. With a wriggle of his head, blood and meat dripped from his tensed jaws. His actions tore bits of face and an eye off of Lucas. A howl of agony wrenched from the alpha. The black wolf shook his head as he tried to recover. The single surviving eye glared at the younger wolf.

Aden puffed up his chest, proud of himself for evening the playing field. In his small celebratory action, he missed Lucas' next move. With a thunk, Lucas landed on Aden's back. With quick, experienced movements, Lucas tore chucks out of Aden's hide. He jumped off and continued to approach from Aden's broken side. All too soon, Aden felt sharp canines dig into his throat.

With quick movements, Lucas threw Aden up and slammed him back down to the ground. The young wolf did not move.

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