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That fight between me and the previous alpha was a close one, too close. The pain from the damage lasted longer than my injuries usually do. My most trusted healer, Doc. Magnous, said because of the power involved in Alpha challenges, our bodies were unable to heal at its typical speed. I accepted it, for any pain I went through was worth the possibility of bettering my pack. Looking back now, I was right. It was a price I would happily pay again to see all of the joy my pack now had. We thrived. We grew in size and number.

Together we all worked as a team to better our homes, jobs, and lives. I, and my pack, built a town for us to live in without fear of outsiders. It was everything I had ever wanted, and more.


"Alpha, Minnie has not returned from her morning forage." Tarlok, Minnie's brother walked into my office as he began to speak to me. "She told Kat she wanted to check the west forest river for a handful of things."

"How long has it been since your sister has contacted anyone?"

"At least fifteen hours. I know it wouldn't be the first extended trip she has taken, however she is blocking me. I am worried she may be in danger."

Out of respect, the concerned Tarlok did not hold eye contact with me as he spoke. As I looked into his unfocused gaze, I saw the brotherly distress there. As with any of my wolves, I cared, when they cared.

Reaching out with my mind, I searched and locked onto the invisible line. Using this I called to Minnie's thoughts. She was blocking me out. I could sense where she was, and had I been more forceful I could have shoved my way into her mind. It would have been painful for her, and I couldn't stand for that.

Talone, I need three from the team. Meet me on the west end. I connected to my second, then out loud I said, "We will go to her."

"Is it that bad?" His lips pinched in distress.

"She won't willingly let me in."

"Force it." Her brother pleaded.

"No. She is not in danger, Minnie is simply trying to hide something. We will go to her."


It took less than an hour to find Minnie. She was indeed toward the west river, but something smelled off. In a delightful way. The tantalizing scent mingled pleasantly in my nose and twisted my brain into a delectable blur.

My team of pack protectors and I ran through the forest surrounding our community. Our strides leisurely as we merely wanted to see why she wasn't communicating. There was no danger, or so I thought.

She was gone. The slightest feel of a link I had cut off. It was quick, and painless, but obvious in its sudden disappearance. I yipped at the group to pick up the pace. We bolted off. Leaving slight fissures in the ground as we pushed our paws against the leaf covered dirt.

Her link breaking off like that meant one of three things, she was unconscious, left the pack, or is dead.

The closer we got to where I had last felt Minnie, the more the inviting smell fogged my brain. I glanced around at my wolves to see if any of them seemed affected. They did not.

Talone. I reached out to my Second. Does something feel off to you?

You mean other than one of our top healers not returning from her routine search, not responding to you, and then being cut off from you?

Yes, smart ass. Does it smell different to you?

Not ye- wait, the wolf lifted his nose in the air and sniffed as he ran. There is another wolf here.

I smell it too. What does it smell like to you? For me it is some bit of citrus, my wolf is enthralled.

The brown wolf I trusted the most, gave me a toothy smile. Sir, I smell roses, not citrus.

This caught me off guard. It is orange-cinnamon rolls that I scent. The delectable smell makes me feel at home.

Talone's practically cheers as he asks, You know what that means?

One of my wolves growled menacingly, pulling me from the conversation and my memories of the delicious "breakfast" item.

A woman screamed.

My wolf side surged forward and declared, mate, to all who surrounded him.

Red face anger ripped its way through our minds and body at the sight of a too thin, but beautiful woman. She lay, as if dead, by a tree. Blood trickled down her face where her head had hit the strong wooden beast.

I tackled the wolf that had thrown her into the tree. It was all too easy to pin him to the ground. My sharp canines slightly pierced the skin around his neck. Using my thick corded muscle, I shoved his face closer to the earth. He whimpered at his submission.

Don't ever do that to her again. I calmly threaten his mind.

In an instant, I shifted to my human form and went to the woman. She was the source of the homey scent.

"Talone," I spoke to the man who was still in his wolf forum. "Get Doc ready for my mate and Minnie."


"Minnie, what happened, who is she?" I questioned the healer.

"I found her by our river drinking. Her wolf was gauntly and tired. She did not carry the smell of a rogue, so I approached her. Eventually I convinced her to allow me to speak with her. When she shifted, and I saw the state of her body, I felt compelled to help her. She was very scared, so I hid my thoughts and did what I could.

I do not know her name, she wouldn't tell me. When she heard you all approaching, her fear increased. I do not believe she was aware of what she was doing. Not that her wolf took over her human form, but more like her mind was elsewhere and I happened to be in the way."


"Yes, while her body was physically with me, smelling or hearing the other wolves approached must have brought up a memory. It had to have been an intense memory as her brain convinced her she was in the memory and no longer with me."

"She hit you?"

"Yes, but only because I approached her and touched her first."

"What happened to her to make her like this?"

"I am sorry Alpha, all I can do is speculate. There are a great many things that it could be, and until she speaks to someone about it, we will not know."

"Tell me your theories, Minnie."

"The most prevalent one, she came from a pack who's standards were much like the ones Logan held. A pack that believes the Alpha is king to be lavished and loved above all else. One who would do anything, even hate a girl, to gain favor with their leader." 

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