Chapter One ~ A Matter Of Life And Death

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||This Is A Universe Where Harry Saves Cedric And Draco Is Never A Deatheater, Just His Parents. But He's Still a Bully|| It  was the night before the Triwizard Tournament, Cedric was laying in his bed. Smelling the food that the house elves were cooking in preparation for the Triwizard celebration, He was thinking about Harry Potter. Believing that if He, [Cedric] Loses...Harry Should Win, Cedric Didn't Exactly Know about his Crush on Harry yet, but he looked up to him intensely even though Cedric was 3 years older than him. He Was Staring at the Wall, thinking about why Harry would ever give him advice. Harry's words repeating in his head "The First Task, The First Task is Dragons" He Heard These Words in his head for a few hours, until Slowly Drifting off to sleep


Harry's PoV

I was walking to Barty Crouch Sr, when suddenly, I spotted Cedric in the corner of my eye. Sitting alone, his head down, it was obvious that he was bothered and disturbed by something. I sat by him, I grabbed his hand and asked him "You ok Ric?" [It's his nickname, so ya know] He just Mumbled Something to me, something along the lines of "N-No, can you help?" I Nodded and gave him a small hug. He gave me a slight smile as he sat up and mumbled "Thanks Harry..." I got up and walked to the first task.

~Skip to the Third Task~ [It's Late at Night and God, I'm Tired, I'll be making a Chapter Twice a Week BTW]

Cedric's PoV

"Well, I Guess it's time for the Third Task, I'm Nervous but....I guess I can do it" were the words I spoke to Harry Just Before we entered the maze, as I entered it with Harry, I remember thinking 'This is not safe in any way, shape, or form' and god I was right. I remember going the opposite way of Harry and immediately seeing Fleur, I told her, "This Doesn't feel right..." She, not wanting to converse with me, said "Talk to yourself for as long as you want, I'm gonna find this cup" and Ran in the opposite direction of me. Personally I thought that was rude but nevermind. I kept running until I met back up with Harry, he said that 'He Just Saw Viktor Possessed' at the time I didn't believe him. I Just Ignored him and Ran Past, I soon realized that Viktor WAS Possessed and I was acting like a Numpty, I quickly ran past him, avoiding his attempts to kill me, I Ran For a Bit further and then, the Vines Tried to Grab me, I knew how to untie the vines before they could trip me up. I Hesitantly Ran, Worrying that the vines would Grab me again, until I Caught up with Fleur, he Just looked at me with Worry and Dread, and Ran Past, I believe she Had been grabbed by the Vines Like I did, It seemed like I rotated around the maze for a while until I bumped into Harry for the third time, he looked Scared. He explained to me that Fleur and Viktor had been Pulled into the Vines, I Decided to Run with him and After a Few Minutes have passed, we soon came across the Triwizard Cup, We Both Nodded at eachother, and Said "You Grab It!" This soon turned into a childish arguement until we both agreed that we would grab it together. We Ran until The Vines Tripped Me While Running and Started to Drag me in, Harry Looked at the Cup, and then looked at me, this happened until the Helped me Rip the Vines and We Both Ran to the Cup, It soon turned out to be a portkey, which led us to a graveyard...I Remember Grabbing Harry's Hand And Ran Towards The Grave Titled 'Tom Riddle Sr' We Soon Started to be attacked by a Man Named Peter Pettigrew aka Wormtail,  Wormtail was carrying Voldemort. The Dark Lord Ordered Pettigrew To "Kill The Spare!" Referring to me, Everything all of a sudden went slow, and My Life Flashed Before my Own Eyes, All of a sudden, Harry Cast The Spell "Expelliarmus!" As Peter Cast "Avada Kedavra!" Their Spells Connected and Harry Knocked Pettigrew's  wand Out of his hand and into the cauldron Infront of them, All I Remember was Passing out, and waking up in the Hospital Wing.....It Was A Matter of Life and Death.

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