Chapter Two ~ Thank You

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Harry's POV

I was waiting outside of the Hospital, waiting for Madam Pomfrey to tell me I was ready to enter, Hermione and Ron were arriving soon, Percy must've been being a dick to them again. Malfoy was Chasing the First years again. I couldn't blame him for bullying after I overheard him talking about his father but that's no excuse for abusing Dobby like he used to, I'm kinda relieved that Dobby works in the kitchen with Winky. Soon after that Ron and Hermione Appeared beside me, "What's the news mate?" He seemed quite sad as he said this but he obviously wasn't gonna show it. "Not much Ron, I'm still waiting for Madam Pomfrey to tell me when, but I did see some classic Malfoy, Bullying the First years." I wasn't gonna tell Them about my Crush on Cedric Yet, but I was considering it. "God Malfoy can be annoying sometimes, but like you said yesterday Harry, we can't exactly blame him." Hermione was getting used to Malfoy, the reason why we wanted to be his friend is cause Ron told us last week that he likes him, (Thanks, I Ship It) I think Hermione already knew, mostly cause she's smart, but also because she kept asking Ron to talk in private. Hermione saying this also made Ron sulk (Frown, I sound like a Chav Sometimes) "Oh, I didn't mean it like- Sorry Ron," She Panicked while saying this, Ron seemed to accept the apology but he still Frowned, "It's ok 'Mione, I get what you were trying to say." Nothing happened Until a few minutes later when Madam Pomfrey came to us, "Hello Dears, Cedric Is Waking up so I would expect he would like to see you." I never saw Madam Pomfrey Sad, I wonder if she's always happy... "Ok then Madam Pomfrey, Harry? Ron? Are you ready or do you wanna let him wake up?" Hermione seemed hesitant about this, I don't know why, but she looked worried. "Yeah I'm ready, what about you Harry?" I think Hermione knew that I liked Cedric, but I definitely knew Ron was oblivious. "Yeah, I think I'm ready." As we walked through the Doors, Cedric was lying on the First Bed we saw. He was just opening his eyes when we arrived, "Hello Cedric, Harry and his friends are here to see you." He looked quite pale, but he just woke up from passing out so I see why. "Hello Everyone, Did we win Harry?" He seemed sleepy as he was talking, and of course he would ask that, he's so competitive. "Yes, we both did. Has your father been to see you?" I was wondering if his father has saw him, I was expecting he would, knowing how proud his father is of him. "Oh good, and Father Was here this morning, he seemed Happy that I was safe." Cedric seemed Happy but I am Still worried about his health. "Cedric, how are you feeling? Harry seems worried about you." Yup, She definitely knew that I liked him. Damn she's smart. "I'm feeling okay, my head still hurts, but mostly I'm ok." I was glad he was fine, he still seemed sad though "good to know mate" Ron seemed to cheer up now. "We'll go now, let you rest." Hermione is obviously being a fangirl, but I don't mind "I'm gonna stay here for a few minutes, I'll be with you soon" "Ok Harry, we'll wait outside" Ron Obviously has no idea that I like Cedric, I'll probably tell him when me and Cedric are officially together. I had to wait for them to leave but not before Hermione
whispered in my ear, "Go gettem Tiger" OH WHY- I didn't have time to think because before I knew it here came Draco, "Hey, Harry?" "Yeah Draco?" "Do you know where Ron ran off to?" OMG he likes him too! EEE- "Oh, uhmm yeah. He went outside with Hermione." "Ok then, thanks. I guess." Well, I guess that happened. I didn't notice that Cedric was dressed and up, god that was quick. "Thank you Harry" And then he hugged me, OMFG I GOT A BONER! He noticed, "W-Wow Harry, I didn't know you felt like that." Well I guess my plan of slowly making clues that I liked him didn't go to plan. "Well, yeah. I do feel like that, I wasn't planning on telling you get but ok. Yeah." "Soooo, this is awkward." "Yeah, Harry shall we go outside?" "Yeah we should"

THAT'S THE END FOR NOW! It's been a while and I'm tired as Fck, 😆. So yeah, I'll be back making chapters at least every month. Hogwarts hearts for all y'all! ♥️💚💛💙

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