Daddy issues (part 2)

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Elsa's POV
I ran towards where I saw Y/N's body. I was absolutely shocked. She was bleeding out through her stomach and lifelessly lying there on the floor. I had to try and stop myself from crying. Was this their way of punishing her for leaving? Was this to silence her and immobilise her so that she didn't escape and tell everyone? I saw her body and found myself face to face with two guards or soldiers. It didn't matter much. "We have orders to kill everyone and everything in order to get the princess back to her kingdom and we won't hesitate to shoot." A guard had spoken. I didn't care much. At That moment, I saw Y/N's arm move slightly. 'So she isn't dead' I was relieved. "D-dont.. Don't take a-anymore lives.." She croaked. I could tell she was in pain and trying to protect us to the very end. The guard scoffed and picked her up. "Shut it. It's your fault that these people are losing their lives." He told her."M-Maybe..maybe you're right.." She replied as best that she could. I was in shock that she could just admit it like that because it was basically like admitting defeat to an enemy. I saw her slump back down to her lifeless state. "Tch. Weak brat" the guard was seriously pissing me off. "Save your strength woman. Compared to what her father does to her and her siblings on a regular basis this can't even count as violence or anything of the like." He said. I didn't want to believe what she had to go through. I wanted to fight back but I didn't have the strength to. I couldn't even lift my arm to do the middle finger to him. Before I knew it, he turned his back and walked away with the silent second guard.

I woke up to feeling a bad pain in my body. Worse than what I'd felt before. Worse than hunger, worse than being burnt, worse than being stabbed in the stomach area. It was as if someone took my body and threw it into fire and then ice immediately and to top it off, stabbed me. I tried to move my arms but couldn't. "Restrained huh?" I muttered. Just then, I felt a sharp pain in my cheek. A slap. "Oi curse. You finally woke up eh?" I looked up and immediately wished I didn't. "This is the worst. The very worst." I deadpanned."Yer dad told me to come fetch ya. Yer head is wanted in the whole kingdom." A blonde male told to me. "Well, they'll have to take a number. Vincent." I told him."Feh! You talk big for someone whos head is wanted." "You talk big for a balding person" "why you little..!" His hand turned into a squid tentacle and destroyed the chains that were restraining my arms. I looked back at the damaged wall and all that remained of the restraints were the ones attached to my wrists and lower arm. At least I could move my arms now. "Wanna say it one more time you little bitch?" He threatened."Interesting, is this a challenge small Vince?" I smirked."We all know that the outcome will be the same" I looked at him. He turned his left arm into the squid tentacle and growled. "You're so serious it hurts to see that you're just a minor guard" I laughed. "Shut up! You're the reason I was demoted. Remember that partner?" He made a small smile. "Do we really have to do this again? Look. I'm not gonna fight you. I don't have the strength for that. But you do realize that you were the one who broke my restraints and if that were to come to light I doubt my dad will let it go with a mere warning or salary deduction." I pointed out. I swear I saw his face go pale. "Shit." He cursed. I gave him a closed eye smile. "If you tell me what I want then I'll pretend the people of Northuldra were the ones who saved me" I tried to make a deal with him. "Hmm can I trust you?" He questioned, obviously not buying it. "A suicide devotee never goes back on their word" "grrr...fine. What do you want." He gave in."Did the other guards and my dad kill the whole kingdom?"  "No." "Ah. Thought so" He growled even more. "Can you just drop dead you decaying block of ice?" "I dunno. Can you drop dead you balding squid?"  A tick mark appeared on his head. "I hate you so much." "I hate you too Squid. I do like your gloves though" "eh? Thanks...?" "Idiot of course I don't its even worse that your outfit combined" He swung a tentacle at me and I dodged. "Oi...don't get too close..I could kill ya if I wanted to ya know?" He was very annoyed and that was a victory for me. "Really? You could lose your arm anytime now you know?" I reminded."SILENCE!" I turned my head around and saw a tall man standing at the door. No doubt a familiar figure. "Dad..." I whispered. "Traitor! Do you realize what type of danger you have put yourself and the kingdom in?!" He yelled."Do you realize that you are the reason I did all this?! Maybe if you asked yourself what you've done for your family you'll find your answer!" I yelled back. He grabbed my hair and slapped me. "You're a curse. Thats all you'll ever be." He told me sternly."It's not like you care about me anyway. Besides you're the reason Darren is missing." I told him and in that instant, his eyes became bigger and filled with anger. "DON'T MENTION THAT USELESS BOY'S NAME!" He threw me to the wall and it broke. My head started bleeding and coughed a bit of blood. "HE RAN BECAUSE HE WAS WEAK! THERE IS NO OTHER ANSWER THAN THAT" He yelled some more. "Your highness. Her execution has been prepared." A short guard appeared. My eyes were wide. Execution? I didn't have time to think before I made an ice wall and made myself get up and run.

I ran out of the castle and heard guards shouting. Well great, I am now a fugitive and a wanted criminal in my own kingdom. Great. Life's just great. Just when I reached the Port, I saw a familiar platinum blonde lady reaching out to Me.

"come on! I'm here!"

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