4)Saving & Check in

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It was a boring cloudy day and (Y/N) was now un-ground. Her parents still kept the bars on her window but let her do whatever she wants again as long as she continues to come home right after school. She hated her life and her parents knew it. (Y/N) felt like she was being treated just like Harry Potter because her parents remind her of the Dursley's. She just wished that she could go somewhere far away from her parents. The young girl frowned as she hops out of bed and heads straight to her closet her (h/c) hair still messy. She grabbed her favourite (f/c) dress, (s/f/c) cardigan, and black flats.

(Y/N) smiled as she got dressed since today was her birthday. She was now officially seventeen years old and she was excited. The young girl brushed her hair and styled it into a high ponytail. After she finished getting ready she ran down stairs into the kitchen and grabbed an orange causing her mother to be surprise at her daughter's action. "(Y/N) what is going on? What are you planning?" Her mother asked suspiciously. The young girl just shrugged and ate her orange happily.

"I'm planning nothing but I am a year away from leaving this place and never coming back. I'm seventeen today and I'm happy. I will never have to see you or father again when I turn eighteen. So I'm planning nothing except my freedom from this place. Anyways I am going to the arcade to play video games. Bye." (Y/N) said as she skipped out of the kitchen and out the front door. Her mother stood there shocked and confused until her father walked into the kitchen.

"What was that about?" He asks causing her mother to explain everything that (Y/N) had said. (Y/N)'s father was stunned at what (Y/N) had said to her mother. He never thought (Y/N) would ever say or think that. Thomas then walked into the room jumping up and down while laughing causing (Y/N) and Thomas' parents to focus on Thomas in the meanwhile.

(Y/N) walked towards the park as she was planning to take the long route to the arcade instead. As she got to the park, she sat down to get a rock out of her shoe. She pulled off the black flat and dumped in it just to see three small sharp rocks fall out. She laughed as she put her shoe back on. She got back up and began to walk again. The young girl made it to the park fountain only to see Usagi standing there glaring at her.

"Hi Usagi. How are you? Look I'm sorry for talking to Mamoru. It won't happen again. I am very sorry for the way I acted a couple of weeks ago. I shouldn't have said anything. So I am sorry." (Y/N) said with a frown. Usagi shook her head and walked towards (Y/N) causing (Y/N) to look a bit frightened. She had no idea what Usagi was planning. Usagi charged at (Y/N) and tackled her to the ground. (Y/N) tried to fight back but Usagi kept punching her over and over again. Soon (Y/N) pushed Usagi off her and then began to crawl over to the bench to help herself up. Usagi was angry and got up and charged over to (Y/N) again only to kick her to the ground.

(Y/N) clenched her side in pain as she began to let the tears flow down her cheeks. Usagi just continued to kick her until she was almost completely unconscious. (Y/N) thought that this was the end until she heard someone shout stop Usagi. Usagi looked in the direction of the voice and quickly ran off. (Y/N) was slowly slipping into darkness as she felt strong arms pick her up. Soon she fell completely unconscious causing the person to rush to the hospital as fast as he could.


Mamoru stared at (Y/N) as she laid down in the hospital bed like she was dead. He had gotten a call from Minako only ten minutes ago to tell him that he needed to talk to Usagi. The Black haired teen sighed as he heard someone shouting at the nurse at the reception desk. Mamoru turned to see the man that was yelling at the nurse had (h/c) just like (Y/N) but he had sea green eyes. The woman beside the man that was yelling had platinum blonde and (e/c) and she was holding a little boy that looked a lot like the man beside him. Mamoru sighed and began to leave the hospital to go and find Usagi to ask her why she would hurt (Y/N).

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