chapter 10

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"So you are going to argue with me?" His father boomed from his office and Jin did everything to not roll his own eyes as he stood at the desk.

"Im not arguing with you about my wife." He made his point and Mr. Kim Sr. narrowed his eyes at his son.

"Oh, so you see her once and she's suddenly your wife?" He chuckled at his son's absurdity.

"She has always been my wife." Jin reminded.

"Don't act all high and mighty just because its listed that way on paper. You cannot bring her back yet. You have years lefton this contract."

"And then what father?" Jin complained, touching the bridge of his nose in impatience before he spoke again. "I re-sign for more years and she sits over there for 5 more? We will be 35! Thats ten more years."

"The answer is no. You are not ready and my point was just proven by that temper tantrum." Mr. Kim pushed the glasses on his face. "Son, Rachel will be there regardless. She's waited, you two can wait some more. The issue YOU have, is you would be bringing her over here, hiding her and not thinking about her or the mess it could create if things got found out."

"I have thought of these things. Just wasting more time." Jin lowered his head, defeated.

"Do you expect her to sit in that apartment all day waiting for your return? She will want friends Jin, did you think of that? You have one day off a week. Maybe we sent her to the wrong place, maybe we should have kept her in Korea. She will be shell shocked the amount of fame you have here. I know you can handle it but I hate to say it, I don't think Rachel can. What happens if her parents see her here, find out what we did and come after her? There are many questions you need to ask yourself. You have your day planned out, what is her day? She doesn't spend any money all day so I couldn't tell you anything."


Jin wasn't lying when he told Rachel he wasn't ready for her to come back. When he left, after that second day of them seeing eachother, they didnt speak for almost 2 weeks. This was much normal in Rachel's life, but Rachel had weasled a spot into someone else's life and he was trying his hardest to organize to get her home.

The first time he spoke to her, was an unusually requested face time. Rachel knew she did well when he called her late at night.

"Hi." He smiled once she popped onto his phone screen.

"Hello from California!" She waved speaking in English. "Say Hi Marcia." The phone flipped around and before she could focus he caught someone waving and the phone flashing back around.

Jin started rattling off in Korean. "So my dads been bugging me lately about the fucking fact you dont spend any of my money."

Rachel made an 'O' face as Marcia spoke off camera.

"Is Jim talking about me again?" She asked.

"This it going to be the biggest regret of my life, but Rachel, dear wife, please buy something so my dad will leave me alone." He begged in the darkness of wherever he was. It looked like a restrool but she couldn't tell.

"Are you at your dads right now?" She asked behind a smile.

"Maybe." Jin knew he was caught.

"You tell Jim!-"

"Marcia its JIN. J. I. N. Secondly, daddy says we need to spend money, what you think?" She asked Marcia who was still off camera.

"What does daddy want us to buy?" He heard her ask.

"SeokJin, what does father want me to buy?" Rachel asked.

"Are you drunk right now? What are you doing?" He whispered angrily. "Buy whatever the hell girls buy. Dammit Rachel, buy whatever you want."

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