chapter 12

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Rachel was nervous, standing in front of her tiny apartment sized closet searching through her clothes for the 50th time. She had nothing to wear to meet Jin's mother and Marcia was being of no help at all.

"I don't see what is wrong with the purple." Marcia complained for the 2nd time.

"Hell no." Rachel snorted. Like, what does one wear to meet the mother of the boy you married to get out of a bad deal 7 years ago in secret? "Im freaking out." Rachel muttered rushing to the bed.

"What? Don't freak out." A comforting Marcia came rushing to her side. "Do you need some water?"

"We need to go shopping." Rachel announced sadly and Marcia grinned.


Its amazing the comforting feeling of home. Granted her home was a person, the second she jumped into the car and saw him with a cheeky grin - all her fears were melted away.

"Surprise." He grinned, still slouched in his seat as the car pulled away.

"Oh my gosh!" She attacked him into a hug, as he oompfed back from the contact trying to hug her back but it didnt work.

"Are you surprised?" He laughed as she did her best hug and leant back.

"Well, yes!" She laughed adjusting her hair behind her ear. She really was surprised to see him.

"I wouldn't throw you directly to the wolves." He laughed. "Plus I have a surprise for you." He smiled handing her a small bag.

A jewelry bag.

"Oooh." She toyed with her own grin. She opened the bag, to find a tiny box and inside that tiny box... "Its a key." She laughed with slight excitement in her voice. "Well thank you." She smiled, turning to her purse to find her key ring.

"Anything for my princess." He smiled and Rachel laughed, having to look out the window instead of Jin.

"So lame." She muttered. "Okay, what's first!" She said, grabbing his leg and pounding her feet quickly on the floor. "I'm so excited you came."

"The day will consist of me doing nothing, and you unpacking most likely." He smiled pointing to each person as he referred to them. Rachel narrowed her eyes with a pout and slunk back in her seat, over glancing at the clock.

"Alright." She said sadly. "Is there food at the house?"

"Yes." He answered.

"Alright, and I like your glasses." She huffed out the window and he laughed.

"Thank you. I like your hair." He smiled, grabbing a bit of her normal toothpick straight hair which was now in flowing locks and dropping it.

"Thanks, Marcia did it." She quipped, moving her hand so to tell him don't touch her hair. The driver smiled at them in the backseat.

"Can Marcia do this?" He asked, and all she heard was the slow sound of the seatbelt handing out its belt as he leant closer to her, moved her hair out of the way and gently kissed her neck. Rachel moved her head slightly to allow this to happen, then laughed.

"Yes." She said, pushing him away. "She can and dhe did it to meet your mother." Jin rolled his eyes like a child at the mention of his family - losing all hope this could continue.

"She'll love the hair too." He smiled, his hand and himself going in for one more try.

She grabbed his hand mid air and pulled him in slightly to speak into his ear.

"We can still castrate the colt you know." She spat and with a quick look at you know what she sat back with a smile as Jin acted offended.

He huffed a heavy sigh looking out the window.

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