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"Hey katsuki do I look fine? Nothing is messed up right? Please, as my best man you have to tell me." Izuku was running around the room frantically, then katsuki grabbed him by the shoulders. "Izuku. You look fine. Now stop running around the room like a mad man! It's your wedding day, so stop worrying!"

That's right. Its Izuku and kyokas wedding day. They, (which I mean kyoka) had to wait one more year to get married because one, kyoka was still in school, and two, it took way too much planning.

Masaru started laughing, Aizawa sighed and wondering when this whole thing is gonna start. "Izuku, you have fought villains, almost died, and are the strongest person in this room... But you're freaking out about they way you look?" Aizawa said while chuckling, and masaru agreed with him. "Izuku, everything is perfect. You will do fine son, nothing could mess this day up for you." "Except for villians attacking right now." Katsuki added, then izuku punched him in the arm.

"Wow kyoka, the dress looks amazing." Momo said with Mika, mitsuki and Eri nodding in agreement. "Thanks... do you think zuku would like it?" Mitsuki started laughing, then said "are you kidding me? That kid is madly in love with you, of course he will." Eri giggled. "If papa doesn't love it, I'll have to teach him some manners!" Kyoka bent down and hugged Eri while laughing, then said "thank you Eri. Let's hope it doesn't come down to that."

"Alright, looks like it's time to head out there. You ready kyoka?" Mika asked and kyoka nodded, then the girls walked out first and kyoka waited for her cue. She was nervous. She knew that izuku loved her but, this is a big moment. The music started playing and that was kyokas cue. She took a deep breath in, then walked out and started walking down the aisle. Izuku and kyoka both made contact, then they both thought "wow..."

Kyoka made it up to the center of the room, izuku looked at her with the biggest smile on his face, then he grabbed her hands. The minister started talking, then Izuku leaned closer to kyoka and whispered "are you ready kyoka?" She nodded slightly. "I'm just a little nervous..." Izuku chuckled and kissed her forehead. Everyone awed and they stepped back a little with small blushes on their faces. "Alright, Izuku, will you say your vows first?" The minister said, and izuku nodded.

"Kyoka, when I first met you... Well, I shouldn't say that because you were being attacked by a villian when we first met." Kyoka chuckled, and so did everyone else. "When we first started talking, I thought you were the coolest person ever. You accepted me right away, you didn't see me as a villian because of my quirks, you actually talked to me and saw that I was a pretty decent guy... for the most part. That's what made me fall for you right away. That's why I love you. I don't know what I would do without you."

"Now yours, kyoka." The minister said. "Zuku, It took me so long to write this, because I don't know how to explain how I feel about you. When you saved me, that's when I knew I would be with you forever. You are the best guy I know, you're sweet, caring, and always ask if you can help me in anyway you can. I love you so much, and can't wait for what's ahead of us."

Everyone started clapping, then the minister said "now, with the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife." Izuku and kyoka smiled, then they kissed. Everyone cheered and Izuku looked over everyone. "Now Let's party!"

(I'm just going off of my sisters wedding lol)

Izuku, kyoka, and some of the guests were on the dance floor, listening to their favorite songs. Kyoka looked at Izuku with the biggest smile she could make. This was probably the best day of her life, and it was the same for izuku. "Congrats young Izuku and young kyoka! This is a big day!" All might shouted while walking up to the both of them with his signature smile. "Thanks all might. Also thanks for showing up even with your busy schedule." All might did his signature laugh. "No problem my boy! Anything for you!"

All might was about to walk off, but one of izukus sidekicks walked up to izuku and whispered something in his ear. "What is it my boy?" Izuku sighed, then said "some people are robbing a bank and they have hostages. My sidekicks can't get in there without the hostages getting hurt. The need me to step in." Izuku kissed kyoka goodbye, then started walking towards the door. He took off his overcoat and loosened his tie, then all might started walking by him. "You know young izuku, this is your day. If you need me to go instead of you I can do that." Izuku shook his head, and laughed. "No need, it will only take a few seconds."

Izuku appeared behind a bunch of cops and they all jumped back with startled looks, then izuku said "okay so what's the plan?" Izuku asked, and the cops just looked at him. "Right.... I'm the plan.." he walked up to the doors while rolling his arms. When he got to the doors, he kicked them opened and walked in. Izuku looked at all the people and noticed they were all scared, so he said "don't worry. I'm here to save you!" With a cheesy smile. Everyone started to light up, and someone said "that's Evident! He made it!"

Three people walked out from the vault with hostages in there arms, then one of them said "holy shi- is that Evident?!"  Izuku smiled and pulled the hostages out of the villians grasp with his telekinesis, then set them gently on the ground. "Now, you guys interrupted my wedding.... PREPARE TO FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!"

"I wonder when Evident will be done with-" one of the officers started saying, then they heard yelling towards the bank. They looked over and saw the three men flying towards them. They all ran out of the way, and the men crashed threw a cop cars windshield. Izuku walked out of the bank with people clapping and cheering behind him. He walked up to the police and asked "can you guys take it from here? If I'm gone too long, my wife will kill me." They nodded, then izuku was gone.

"Hey beautiful." Izuku said while appearing behind kyoka. Kyoka jumped and almost slapped izuku, but he dodged it just in time. "Woah, you almost killed me!" Kyoka blushed, then said "Izuku Bakugo.... Stop doing that! I've been telling you that for a year!" Izuku started laughing, then hugged her. "I'm sorry but I can't help it. It's funny to see you react whenever I do it."

Kyoka sighed and rest her head on izukus chest. "So, how did the bank go?" Izuku shrugged. "Oh you know, it was no biggie..." he sighed and broke that hug, then said "alright, now that I'm back, let's go join everyone on the dance floor!"

//three months later\\

"Alright... here we are!" Izuku said while opening a door to a house, then kyoka and Eri walked in while in awe. "This is our new house! How do you guys like it?" Both of them ran up to izuku and hugged him. "We love it!" They both said in unison.  It wasn't a big house, it was three rooms, so it was just enough for Izuku. "Alright, let's go get the stuff and start unpacking!" Izuku said, then they both groaned. Izuku sighed and picked them both up, then started carrying them to the moving truck.

Hey guys, it's the end! I'm surprised anyone read this, and if you did, thanks! I hope you enjoyed, and I hope you read some of my other work. Thanks again!

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