Part 1

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Teardrop's P.O.V
One night, I lay staring at the star filled sky. I don't really get much sleep due to either the antics of the other contestants or because I'm just not tired most of the time. But my relaxing night is interrupted as I see something move out of the corner of my eye. To my surprise it was the cowardly contestant Woody. I decided to trail the BEEPer as I really had nothing better to do. After about 10 minutes, Woody finally stopped at a remote tree and waited anxiously. I had been watching from afar, behind a rock, for another 20 minutes before something finally happened. Naily walked up to the tree where Woody is. Rumor has it that the two grew closer after the lava event. I was too far away to listen in on their conversation but just based on their movements I could tell it wasn't a happy one.

Woody's P.O.V
In a last ditch effort to profess how I truly felt, I tried to give Naily the flowers that I bought earlier today. "I'm sorry Woody I really am. I wish I could say I felt the same way, but I just don't have those kinds of feelings towards you". Naily said as she began to walk away. Why is this happening to me? I thought in a state of panic. "W-wait!" I shout, but it's too late Naily was already gone. "I-I just-" I tried to stutter out one last sentence but I'm at a loss for words. I curl up close to the tree as I feel the tears beginning to form in my eyes.

Teardrop's P.O.V
Is it bad that I'm feeling jealous that Woody chose Naily? I mean we haven't interacted hardly at all since we were both in the TLC, but even then we had very few interactions. Despite the fact that I acted cold and even rude to him in the past I can't help but feel butterflies in my stomach when I see him. I just can't explain it, why I feel this way. My thoughts are interrupted be a soft sobbing coming from the area where Woody was. Shoot! In all my time thinking about Woody I forgot to do what I came her for! After scolding myself I peered over the rock to see what happened. Naily was gone and Woody was left in tears. A part of me desperately wanted to go comfort Woody as this could be my chance to get close to him, but another part of me wanted to go confront Naily for breaking his heart. Ugh why do I feel this way when we haven't even interacted in years!? Before I could even process all my thoughts, I found myself walking over to Woody. I tried stopping and turning back but it was too late, he already saw me walking to him. When I got closer I didn't get the reaction I was hoping for. Instead of lighting up when he saw me, Woody tried to shield his face.

Woody's P.O.V
As if this day couldn't get any worse for me I see Teardrop walking towards me. This just serves as another reminder of my failed attempts at love. I think to my self as I brace myself for the worst. I'm not intent on having a repeat of our last major interaction, not today. "P-please don't" I pleaded with teardrop as the tears continued to flood my eyes. She gave To my surprise instead of receiving a swift trip into the sky I got a hug. I give a hesitant look to teardrop who this whole time had been giving me a sweet reassuring smile. I eventually give in and embrace the warm hug.

Nobodies P.O.V
Woody eventually fell asleep in Teardrop's arms . And for the first time in a long time, Teardrop was able to get some rest.

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