running from our nightmares.

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*time jump: one week after ricky movies in with nini*

it's a monday night. ricky and nini, well, they're doing what most teenagers do. nini's hands run through his hair as he holds her waist. nini lies on top of ricky, kissing his lip, jaw and neck. "nini" ricky groans, "your moms are literally next door". since ricky had moved in, the two of them had become accustomed to a 'schedule'. ricky would sit in his room, wait for dana and carol to go to bed, then he would quietly make his way into nini's bedroom. they were practically attached to the hip, their longing to be with each other growing stronger. "it's fine, they're not going to hear us" nini replies, between kisses. they were always cautious , making sure that nini's moms wouldn't catch them.

it was almost 2 am when ricky walked back to his own room, falling straight into a deep sleep after putting his head in the pillow.

dana salazar-roberts woke up early, usually spending her time running or reading. but she never woke up this early. the phone rang, it's 5:40 am. "hey dana, so sorry to wake you. it's kathy" "oh, hey kathy everything okay?" "uh yeah. i've just had mike bowen come into our office. we've got him detained, but,i would be careful with letting people into your home" dana nods "should we go somewhere? are they going to take my baby?" she says, tears in her eyes. from the corner of her eye, she sees nini's shadow. she turns around to find nini standing at the doorway, tears streaming down her face. "come here" dana says, nini lies on the bed, her head in dana's lap. and sobs. "they can't do this mom, not to ricky" she says. dana runs her fingers through ninis hair and holds her hand. "i know, baby". she holds nini in her embrace, as the two of them slowly fall back asleep.

its 8:30 when nini wakes up again. fear fills her body as she sees both her moms are gone. she walks downstairs, to find both dana and carol, and ricky, sitting down on the couch. nini walks over to sit by ricky, as he wraps his arms around her. he kisses her forehead. "good morning" he whispers into her ear. nini takes his, intertwining it with her own. it's the little things like this that make everything a hell of a lot better. "we have to talk to you guys, it's important" carol says, "okay, so your dad is looking for you. he doesn't know that your with us but we just wanted to be extra careful, that's why all of us are at home. we're gonna stay here together. so no going out, or answering the door. i got a call this morning, ricky we are worried about your parents. we can't let you be taken, okay?" dana says. ricky takes her hand. "okay..yeah". both dana and carol pull ricky into a hug, tears in their eyes. it felt like something was telling them that everything had happened. like it was some kind of message. dana remembers that when nini was in kindergarten, she always felt like she had a twin. a brother. maybe ricky was the son they were always meant to have.

nini and ricky spend their day, finishing homework and watching movies, just enjoying the company of one another. soon, it's 8pm. the doorbell rings. a wave of fear hits ricky and he holds onto nini for comfort. dana opens the door, to find kathy. "hi kathy, come on in" she says. the three of them sit at the kitchen table, while ricky and nini listen from upstairs. "i'm here about ricky, we've found a maternal grandmother" kathy says. those words are enough for nini to crumble. she falls into rickys arms, tears streaming down her face. "no, no, no" she keeps repeating. ricky holds her close and kisses her cheek. "everything's going to be okay, i promise" "ricky! nini!" carol yells from downstairs. nini quickly washes her face in an attempt to hide her emotions, before the two of them head downstairs. nini and ricky sit opposite kathy, nini's hand on his leg. "ricky, we've located a maternal grandmother, about 2 hours north. now, i know you requested to stay here, and we are trying our best, but it's a policy that any extended relatives are the first ones we send any of our kids to" "no, you can't make me go there please! i love it here, please" tears form in his eyes. "i'm so sorry ricky, but it's the law...i talked briefly on the phone to your grandmother, and she's happy to see you". with his head in his hands, ricky continues to cry. nini pulls him into her. "please, you can't take him" she pleads. "we will be back to collect him tomorrow morning, okay?". dana nods and kathy heads to the front door. nini runs up to her bedroom, shutting the door closed behind her. "nini, it's me" ricky says. she opens the door. he pulls her into his arms "they can't make you go ricky" she says. he pulls her over to the bed. sitting down, he cups her face in his hands. "i promise you, i'm not going anywhere". he kisses her lips.

they lie down on nini's bed, taking in the possible last moments they will have together. ricky falls asleep in her bed, and neither dana or carol even try to stop him

a speaks !
hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it was a bit late, but i have a story plan so hoping to get writing some more soon !

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