Chapter 4:Colors

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I threw my bag over my shoulder as I walked outside,seeing Mr Logan sitting on the bench in front of the clinic. He was looking down at his phone but jerked his head up when he heard the door close behind me. He got up and slipped his mind hone in his pocket,walking over to me. "You ready"he said. I smiled lightly, "sure,let's go"I said.

He smiled and we walked side by side down the block to a coffee shop. I actually came here sometimes with Calvin to study so I was a regular. I walked in first,seeing the cashier and a friend of mine Eric cleaning off the table tops. "Wussup E"I said. He looked up,starting to blush.

Did I mention that Eric kinda had somewhat of a crush on me. "Hey Tanya, how's it going"he said,dropping the towel. "It's going great, I'm hoping you have some of that delicious hot chocolate stashed back there for me"I said,walking up to the counter. He chuckled,reaching under the register and pulling out my cup. "A large piping hot chocolate with fat free whipped cream and peppermint,how could I forget"he said.

I chuckled, "thanks E. By the way,this is my friend Cameron Logan, Mr Logan this is my friend Eric"I said. Mr Logan extended his hand, "it's nice to meet you Eric,seems like you run this place pretty well"he said. Eric shook hands hand, a bright smile on his face. "Thank you sir,it's an honor to meet you. I loved your last photo shoot,it was amazing"he said. I giggled that he was legit fangirling right now.

Mr Logan laughed, "Thanks man, I appreciate the love"he said. Cameron Logan was kinda a hero in Atlanta. Everyone knew who he was. He went from being a homeless kid in the projects to being on every magazine,commercial,bus bench in the country. Every girl wanted to be with him and every guy wanted to be him. Personally, I never got the big deal over him.

Of course I get that he went from 0 to 100 in a snap of a finger but I wasn't getting what everyone was saying. Now that I've seen him in person,it seemed like everything I was doing was being judged by him. "Well go ahead and ring me up and add a muffin, you can get whatever you want"I said turning to Mr Logan. "I guess I'll get the same thing"he said. I smiled as I reached for my purse,digging for my wallet.

I then realized that I didn't have my wallet. "Okay, that'll be 20"Eric said. I sighed, "just cancel it"I mumbled,zipping my purse up. Mr Logan walked closer to me, "what's wrong"he asked. "I left my wallet"I said,throwing my hair over my shoulder.

"That's no problem,I can go ahead and pay for it"he said. "No,don't. I have to head home anyway"I said,throwing my bag over my shoulder. "Tanya"he whispered,grazing his hand over my mine. I ran my fingers through my hair. "I'm sorry,this is so embarrassing"I said before storming out of the coffee shop.

I heard him call after me but I ignored him, storming towards the clinic. Out of nowhere,I felt him pulling me back by my wrist. He grabbed me and pulled me to him,wrapping his arm around my waist. I stopped instantly,inhaling his scent deeply. He didn't seem to mind before he continued to talk.

"What just happened"he whispered. I pushed back the lump in my throat. "I knew this was a mistake,I should leave"I said,trying to pull away from him. He pulled me right back,holding me tighter. This was highly sexy and I was highly turned on.

"That's too bad because that's means I just wasted 20 dollars"he said. I tilted my head in confusion. "I heard you like that hot chocolate piping hot. If we keep standing here it's not gonna be that hot"I said. I smiled lightly, looking down. "Mr Logan,you really didn't have to"I said.

He chuckled, "and another thing, drop the 'Mr Logan' stuff. I'm pretty sure I'm not that much older than you"he said. I chuckled, he did the same. "Come on, that hot chocolate and muffin isn't gonna wait that long"he said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to a nearby table,pulling out my chair and letting me sit. I pushed my chair in as he sat across from me.

True Love|Nafessa Williams & Rome Flynn|The Flashback SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now