3. Mother

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DEDICATED TO:  Priyadarshini2001 HARINIGANESH8  _sarcasticpanda

  "The bosom I rested my head against, 

the hand I held onto while taking my first steps;

the very same fingers which ran through my hair,

soothing me to fall asleep...

The same hand which patted my back,

to make me burp and digest milk,

the same arms which carried me,

the embrace which kept me warm and strong,

the mother's love that encouraged me to go on.

I see those steady hands trembling today as you help me,

get decked for my wedding.

Your deep eyes are glossy today,

The same voice which comforted me in so many ways,

quivers, as you call me beautiful.

You attempt to hide your pain like you have all these years,

But this time, somehow, you are betrayed by your tears."



15th August 2017

Third person's point of view:

Time is known to be an unfaithful companion; it never waits. 

One can never capture time; time happens to be its own master. But don't all of us come across moments when we crave having command over time? 

For any mother helping her daughter on the day of her wedding, emotions swirl through her mind and she is left thinking when and how the years passed. It is a surreal moment when she is rendered helpless, sad, happy, and excited all at once. 

She reminisces the small baby in her arms who had kept her awake all night with her non-stop crying. She recalls the fancy dress competition at school when she had helped her little girl deck up and in those few minutes that her daughter takes to adorn herself, she wishes she had command over time. She wishes to go back in time so she can hold her daughter to her bosom just for a few seconds more. The mother touches her baby's hair and retrospects with fondness how she would run behind the dynamic child who hated oiling her hair. And the last thought that crosses her mind is the scene at the dining table; her daughter refusing to eat and demanding chocolates in exchange of each morsel of vegetables that she was fed. It's funny how an entire lifetime of memories can be re-lived in those few minutes!

Rai was faced with the same emotional turmoil as she helped her daughter with the jewelry.

 Her hands trembled as she made her daughter wear the gold earrings; the same ones that Meghraj (Mrinalini's father) had gifted his wife, years ago. The long gold necklace that her daughter wore around her neck had been gifted by Barun and Srishti. Given the haste with which the wedding had been fixed, the jewelry that could be arranged for was light and minimal. Mrinalini secretly preferred it to be that way. The necklace around her neck though light, weighed her down as it was a steady reminder of her Uncle's 'charity and kindness'. 

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