chapter 2 the ambush

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30 minutes later

All iv'e been doing is standing at the ramp for the past 30 minutes i could feel the ship moving i already told the pilots to head to lothal but still i didn't move, it wasn't until Rex came up to me and brought me back to reality you ok Ezra how did it go so wrong so quickly Rex i tell him, i don't know but don't blame yourself boss, i know that i just lost everything i had there my crew my girlfriend my family at least kanan, zeb and chopper stood by you, then i feel anger and i punch the ramp door it hurt like hell but i didn't let the pain get to me, rex puts a hand on my shoulder damn wedge better not see his face again for his sake, you said it boss, rex says he walks with me also followed by jet close behind me towards my room rex he turns to me meet me on the bridge in 10 minutes, sure thing boss and rex yes ez thank you for being here anytime, he enters the barracks( all the crew are bunked together) then i enter my room.

I place my bag down on my table and sit on my bed then jet comes up to me and i place my hand upon his head he beeps at me i'll be fine jet but thank you for asking buddy, i then start to unpack my things then i remember to meet rex on the bridge and i leave my room and head there and i'm met with the door guards they salute at me and say sir and i return the salute, as i enter the bridge i'm met with another door guard commander on deck and everyone stands and salutes at ease everyone i reply and i walk towards the holotable.

rex joins me soon after you feeling any better ezra a little rex but i'll get over it he nods at me so whats the plan i breath out, comms officer yes sir he replies contact frequency 117864 he does so and im met with a man who's this this is a restricted frequency this is commander ezra bridger i wish to speak to senator organa have you got a code phrase, spark of hope i say one moment the man replies.

2 minutes later 

Ezra bridger its good to see you you've grown says the senator from alderaan its good to see you to senator organa  please ezra call me bail you saved my daughter i owe you that much, of course bail what can i do for you my friend says bail i need your help whats wrong ezra i was voted out of phoenix cell, what for to make a long story short there was a mission to steal supplies and a storm trooper fired a lucky shot to my wrist com and damaged it in the process, for that i was voted out and for supposedly to many failed missions it was an accident it couldn't be helped, indeed that doesn't sound very fair to me what do you need from me ezra.

i was hoping if any chance what i was able to join the main rebel cell, hmm what have you got to offer ezra because there is a big difference from what the other cells do compared to what we do here,you know me and what i can do bail indeed i do ezra i also have my blockade runner and 50 troops and 10 bridge crew aboard.

ok ezra i will talk to the other council members about this head to yavin 4 immediately, at that moment the alarms went off i yell whats happening!! we're being pulled out of hyperspace sir oh no i say ezra whats going on were under attack bail we need to cut communications so your not tracked, i will contact you as soon as i can as soon as we are done here may the force with you ezra.

we cut communications and i talk into the inter comm to the ship ALL HANDS THIS IS COMMANDER BRIDGER BATTLE STATIONS WE ARE UNDER ATTACK BY THE EMPIRE PREPARE FOR BATTLE, we get pulled from hyperspace and are met with a bigger star destroyer that has gravity well generators, then my comms officer tells me sir we are receiving a transmission from the star destroyer, attention craft this is agent kallus of the imperial security Bureau respond or be fired upon, shit he knows my voice then my comms officer comes over may i sir be my guest hank your on, agent kallus this is captain hank of the redeemer may i ask what this is about kallus then speaks we have received reports about this ship is  transporting supplies to the rebels.

You must be mistake sir there are no such things aboard this ship, just incase prepare to be boarded do not resist with that the transmission ends shit i say i'm sorry sir its ok iv'e got a plan i turn to rex, you up for storming an imperial star destroyer rex he laughs hell yea sir lets go i point to the door guards you 4 will stay here with the bridge crew while we storm the ship yes sir with any luck we can capture it, rex and i head out towards the exit ramp with all my men standn on the sides.

Alright men listen up cause i'm only going to say this once we are going to storm this star destroyer and attempt to capture it with this action we will kick up a hornets nest so bad they could defeat us in seconds they have the number we have the skill lets prove ourselves to defeat  this force, will we be defeated by such an enemy SIR NO SIR watch each others backs for as of this moment we are all brothers, hoorah i say HOORAH my men scream, rex stands next to me its been an honor commander indeed captain may the force be with us.

ok guys sorry to have a cliff hanger but why not gives you something to look forward to.

with that being said

 the force will be with you always

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