chapter 7 the temple

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15 minutes later

A soldier was waiting for me outside who showed me to my new quarters

So how are you liking the planet sir he asks me, it looks peaceful its also alot greener then my home planet.

Where's your home planet sir

Lothal you?


I look at him in shock

The imperial capitol how did you make it out here?

Eh I didn't like what was happening on the planet so I wanted to help make a difference and see my home free, I see

How did you end up here sir,

Truth be told I've been fighting the empire since I was 14 this was before all this rebellion movement started.

Really yes I was with another cell but we didn't leave on good terms, what happened he asked

Mission went bad and I was blamed got voted out so now I'm here

Sorry to hear that sir

Don't be its not your fault

Then it happened that feeling, the same feeling I felt when I first met kanan, something was calling me.

I began to walk in the direction the feeling was pulling me when the soldier that was showing me to my new quarters spoke to me again.

Sir are you alright

Yes I'm fine i thought I saw something
That's all, shall we continue

Please follow me sir

5 minutes later

We made it to the officers quarters and the soldier turns to me

Here is your key card to access your room, only this card can access your room

Thank you for helping me soldier

A pleasure sir

And we salute each other and he walks off.

I swipe my key card and enter my new quarters, it contains a king size bed, 2 bedside tables, a desk, a wardrobe and a bathroom.

In my wardrobe it contains half a dozen officer uniforms and on the bedside table,was my new rank pins 5 blue for navy 5 red for army and 5 yellow for being part of rebel command,

I couldn't believe this was still happening but what had me wondering was what I felt here, might be a good idea to check it out so I placed my items in the cupboards and left my room in search of this feeling.

I made my way outside of the officers quarters and concentrated on the force and the feeling returned, i followed the path where the force was taking me.

20 minutes later

I finally came to the end of the path and I was shocked, there standing before me was a jedi temple,

( keep in mind its the same temple in star wars jedi knight jedi academy where Luke trained his students)

It was in the middle of a lake, the water began to shake and a stone walkway arose from the water and i walked across it towards the temple.

I placed my hand on the temple wall and a door opened and i walked inside,

Once inside the temple I saw statues of jedi the force guided me to a room and i began to meditate, and there sitting on a branch was master yoda.

Master yoda

Young bridger good to see you it is hmm grown you have

Indeed master it has been a long time
I assume you were the one who brought me here master,

I was, a new chance this is for you now young one brought you here i have to train the new generation of jedi you will,

I don't think I'm ready for that sort of responsibility master I'm only but a padawan

Hmm ready you will be once fully train you will

How master

Train you i will in meditation, begin now we will prepare yourself young one

I'm ready master yoda

And the training began.

We trained for many hours master yoda was impressive,

Trained well today you have ezra we will leave it at that for today return tomorrow for more training.

I will master goodbye, and with that the little green master disappeared into thin air.

I woke up from meditation with something in my hand I open my palm to see a purple crystal wow its beautiful, a reward for good training young one i hear master yoda,

time to create another blade, i left the temple for that day but not before I collected the required parts for a new blade. This will be a perfect place for the new jedi order, i turn back around and head back to base.

Ok guys yikes its been awhile hope you guys enjoyed this chapter
I will try and update more often
And remember the force will be with you always

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