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Blair Pierce

"I'm fine thanks" I shout over the music at a vaguely familiar boy, holding out a large bong to me. He nods and stumbles over to a group of girls standing by the drink station still holding out the weed to anyone who wants to take a hit.

I look around at the many party goers as I take the last swig of booze out of my red cup.

I love parties but this crowd is not my usual type, I scan the floor for my two friends who are scattered on seperate parts of the dance floor.

Today has been a long day, I woke up early and got dressed in something nice for my trip to the police station.
The warm sun hit my skin and the breeze blew my hair lightly behind me, I felt great.

I spent most of my morning at the police station giving the police a detailed account of how everything at the bank went down.

After I was reassured that they would look further into my story and make sure Harry was dealt with, I head off in the direction of the nearest Apple store.

My phone was returned to me by the police at the station, the screen completely shattered, it was completely useless.

I realised that my dumbass gave Alex the number of a phone that was lost at the time, so I took the memory card out of my old phone and put it into my new flash looking one.

"Blair" The voice breaks my thoughts snapping me back into the loudness of my surroundings.

The speakers spread around the house blast 'dangerous woman' by Ariana Grande as everyone dances carelessly and sways their bodies around to the music.

"Why are you just standing here?" Jasmine laughs, handing me a new drink and grabbing onto my arm.

"Day-dreaming" I yell above the music as I allow my body to be dragged bumping into Harley who is walking next to Jasmine.

As we make our way through the crowd of sweaty bodies, some random drunk people shove drinks in our hands, not that they even know who we are.

My hands now full with two drinks, I find myself inside a less crowded kitchen entirely littered with empty cans and bottles, the occasional spill on the ground.

After downing a few drinks and bitching over some songs Harley goes off to find some guy to hook up with leaving Jasmine and I alone in the kitchen.

She leans against the kitchen bench and crosses her arms, staring off into the distance and chewing at her bottom lip lightly, like she does when she's deep in thought. I follow her eyes to see what she's staring at and of course, it's Leo. He's dressed in a plain white shirt and some black sweats, a single chain hangs around his neck, nothing too special but she's looking at him like he's wearing something jaw dropping.

"Just go talk to him babe, what's the worst that can happen!" I nudged her shoulder smiling, this has been going on for too long.

"You know I can't do that" she huffs.

"Oh come on that's bullshit, stop being a puss and just go over there! If it goes bad you can just blame it on the alcohol tomorrow" I laugh. Causing her brows to furrow together.

To my surprise she pours herself a shot, swiftly downs it and hands me the empty shot glass

"Fuck it."

And before I know it she's confidently walking into Leo's direction without looking back, leaving me alone in the kitchen and the empty shot glass in my hand.

The shock is evident on my face as my best friend walks in confidence over to the boy she's been obsessed with for over 3 years.

I feel lightly buzzed as I look down at my phone feeling the light vibration in my hand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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