Chapter 12

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     As I walk into the warehouse I'm hit with a stench of blood and vomit. It made me so nauseous that I went to back out but as I stepped back I felt the gun press up against my back. I began to panic and hyperventilate as memories flood my mind.
     His evil chuckle sent cold fear shivers through my body. He was going to kill me and not in a pretty way. His smile was sickening, the smell of my own blood making me vomit. Through my swelled eyelids I was able to see a shiny object in his hand. I felt the blade cut along my back and an ear shattering scream escaped my lips.
"You thought I wouldn't kidnap you huh? Thought your daddy was untouchable? Huh? Maybe you hoped that your cute little fiancé would save you... well. I've got news for you. Nobody. Not a soul known to this world will find your body when I'm done with you." He spat the words in my face as blood trickled down the side of my face leaving a disgusting taste in my mouth but I was in so much pain I didn't even care. I never spoke, I just dropped my gaze knowing what he said wasn't true. My fiancé was a nightmare in and of itself and there was not a chance that he won't find me. This man was just someone who wanted my dads money and didn't care how he got it. That thought alone was enough to terrify me.

     The safety being turned off because I had started panicking brought me back to reality. I just had to breath and I would be okay. My eyes adjusted to the light difference and I took in my surroundings. It's dark and blood covers the floors, the walls and the chain hanging from the ceiling. A small chair sat in the centre, the only thing that seemed to have a colour other than red or black. A man, about 35, sat on it and watched as I walked closer and slowed my breathing. His hair was black and wavy. I could see a smirk across his face as he watched me come into the warehouse.
"Do I know you?"
"Nope." He pops the p and walks up to me.
"Why am I here."
"I wanted to talk." I raise an eyebrow at him,
"In a blood stained abandoned warehouse?" He glances around as if just noticing where we are.
"Yeah, I figured it would remind you of what has happened to you before. I wanted to remind you, it may make you feel more inclined to take me up on my offer."
"Which is?" He completely ignores my question, and turns to the rest of the place.
"Marry me."

     The silence filled the room and I just stood there gawking at him. I don't even know if I was breathing...
"Not much of a proposal."
"If you'd say yes I can ask you on one knee in a park somewhere."
"How thoughtful." I say rolling my eyes. He full out grins at my sarcasm and I ignore it,
"Because you mean something to Demetri and taking you away would be worse then death for him. He can't stand being told no."
I huff to myself, he sure can say it enough though.
"I still don't get it, why not just kill me?"
"I'm not vicious."
"Then kidnap me."
"No, that's too aggressive, I'd constantly be holding you against your own free will and if that happened you would escape and run back to him."
"Who even are you?!?"
"I'm the son of the leader of the Albanian mafia." I just hold my head and huff out a sigh. I can't escape trouble anymore.
"You can't be serious."
"As a heart attack." I raise an eyebrow but I decide to ignore him.
"I'm not promising you forever." He walks up to me and I look into his eyes, they're dark and mysterious but I know better. They promise death and vengeance, perhaps in the only way possible. His breathing slows and he stops once he is so close that he towers over me. He reaches out and tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
"Not good for the eyes huh?"
"I'm not marrying you."
"Hmm I was worried you might say that." And suddenly he steps aside as the guys begin to push me towards the chair.
"Nobody's coming to save you this time, Ariella." I realize my mistake, I had used my real name. Something people have been looking for constantly for a very long time. I had only told Demetri, maybe he didn't tell anyone... but how would this guy know it?
"At this rate no one saves me but rather causes me more trouble." He frowns and looks at his hands as they drag me over.
"Well I have very clear instructions. My father is one of the few leaders of the Albanian mafia and obviously you know what that means," I am forced to sit on the chair and he crouches infront of me, "I am a very, very dangerous man, one that doesn't do petty crimes," he gestures to the room stained in blood. I grimace but I manage to hide it.
"What are you going to do to me for turning you down?" I fight against the men holding me but we all know it's useless.
"Whatever it takes to say yes."
"There has to be another way."
"I'm afraid not." I glare at him, dreading what's coming next. I think it over, maybe I should just say yes but that would mean he would find out my full name and that could have a lot more issues. Somehow I know that's not why I can't marry him.
"I can't marry you."
"I think it would be better then death," he pulls out a knife and starts swinging it around.
"I can't do it."
"Is this because of him?" A big grin forms on his face.
"Because of who?"
"Your fiancé, Ricardo?" My eyes go wide and I panic, "don't worry I'll keep your little secret quiet." He puts a hand on his chin and pretends to contemplate for a minute, "although it would be so much easier for me to just send you back to him." I try to fight against them but nothings working.
"You see," I freeze as he brings the knife to my temple and gently slides it down my face, not hard enough to cut. It's almost barely even touching me but I feel it, "I need you to do this for me because I need to get inside his mind."
I huff out a laugh.
"I don't mean anything to him." I whisper as the knife slides over my jaw and gently touches my neck.
"Oooh but you do." I finally decide I've been in this for too long. Something about what he says snaps down the walls I have to keep me from fighting other people. I wait until he drops the knife before I make my move. I had fought against the guys holding me to the chair before but I hadn't put anything but panic into it.
      This time, I use my skill. I duck so that their hands loose there grip on me and I kick the man on my right in the groin so that he goes crashing down in a large amount of pain. The guy next to me isn't so easy. I go to kick him but he sees it coming and goes to throw a right hook but I anticipate it. When he throws the punch it exposes his face and part of his right side. Using that to my advantage I throw a kick at his jaw, barely hitting him in time to deflect his blow. He still manages to follow through with his punch but it isn't as hard as it would have been and he is out cold when he hits the floor.
     Arms from behind, grab me and I realize he's buying time for when the other guys get to where we are. I practice the same moves I did with Demetri and get him off of me. I have to fight a few other men and before I know it, I'm out the door. Two guards stand outside the door and when I rush out I realize there is an entire unit of men, from the military, walking towards the other building. I grab the keys from the man on the ground and press the unlock button to see which car it is. I see it, about thirty feet away and I make a dash for it. As I run I hear the man with black hair yell out my name. The tour of men stop and turn around to see what's going on. From my understanding they just happened to get here while these other guys were using the warehouse. I hear the click of a safety being turned off and I stop dead in my tracks and slowly turn around to face him. The military men become aware of what's going on and every single one of them pulls a gun and aims at the man who holds my life in his hands.
     He drops his weapon and some commander starts yelling orders at him to lay on the floor. I run up to him and ask the man who had kidnapped me,
"What's your name?"
"Arbor." Im surprised he gave it up that easily but I ignore it for now and nod my head. The commander grabs him to drag him to the other building, he probably wants to know what's going on.
"Ariella?" I hear from someone in the middle of the crowd of men walking towards me.
"Yeah, who's asking?" And then I see him.
"Piero!!" I yell and race towards him. I throw my arms around his neck and hug him. He hugs me back and he practically picks me up and spins me around.
"What are you doing here?!? I thought you were fighting!!"
"No, we just finished our tour. We trained here for a little bit before we left so we're just coming back until we fly out tomorrow." I hug him again and he asks exactly what I was dreading, "What are you doing here?"
"Kidnapped." That's all I say before I hug him and tell him I have to leave.
"What your not leaving already. Come inside, we'll give you some food and we can catch up it's been to long." I nod my head, Demetri will be fine I'm sure of it. It's not like he's worried anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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