Chapter 10

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Dedicated to beautyqeenkat

I walked back into the apartment with my eyes on my phone, 'ok please stop texting dude I'm at home. 😂😂'

I had given Drake my number and now I was paying for it, 'ok ok I got one more joke.'

I looked down and luaghed, 'D listen. The laughing emojis don't mean I'm actually laughing at your dorky ass jokes.'

'I know I'm not funny but I'll make an absolute arse of myself if it will make you smile. I'll see you tomorrow Fatso.'

I smiled at the text. I really should never have told him my first name. The boys weren't home. I went straight for my room and changed into sweat pants and removed my bra.

'Free at last free at last.' I did a little happy dance over to my fridge but was halted in stride. A feeling of ... of temptation washed over me. I froze trying to understand the intense need that was building up in the pit of my stomach.

I turned my head to the door I'd stopped in front of, 'what the hell...,' Landen's door was slightly ajar. The temptation was too great I reached out for the knob dispite how some piece of me was screaming for me not to go in this room.

I stepped in, the movement was so simple but my mind was making dramatics. My breathe hitched for a second once I'd closed the door behind me,  waiting... I mean I kind of expected horrors or some or other climax to mark the moment but no.

It was just another room. The colour scheme in was a bit morbid but otherwise... nothing. 'Then why does this feel...,'

"Familiar." I whispered to myself letting my fingers brush every surface. I did the same with my eyes. He had so many pictures.

Some simple, some extravagant. I wonder if he took them all, some looked so old that they were yellowing. It was one of those pictures that I picked up.

It was a man. I could only see his side veiw, his one leg lifted and bent on the chair in which he was seated. His arm balancing on the knee. He seemed to have been caught in a moment where he was so far away from the world.

I sat on Landen's bed and touched the picture. I felt myself drift but I felt so hyper focused on the man. His curls, his sharp jaw, his light smile. I felt my own smile respond to it.... 'so pretty.'

I felt his hand grasp my shoulder, my head immediately swung from my beautiful picture. 'How dare he interupt me.'

His fingers brushed mine. I moved the picture, "no." No he couldn't have it. No it was mine. Mine. Mine. Mine, he couldn't touch my-

"I see you found a sentiment that captures your attention," I wouldn't let the picture go but his eyes wouldn't release me. I couldn't look away.

I spoke, "sentiment?" The crack in my voice made my clear my throat, "What are you talking about."

"A sentiment. It's an artifact witches used to use in the olden days. It uses your emotions to steal you soul. All these pictures are sentiments.

It seems your sentiment is dissociation. You separate yourself from the world, find comfort in your mind."

Only Landen would have soul stealing photography in his room. I reluctantly placed the picture down, I still felt like it was mine though.

It didn't help that he immediately snatched the picture and placed it back in it's place the moment I released my grip on it. He spoke, "glad you could make it."

I looked up at his form, which was relaxed against his dresser. Both hands in his pockets, eyes on me.

"Don't look at me like that."

He tilted his head in question, like a perplexed animal, "look at you like what."

'With that look, that indescribable look. Nothing good happens in that head of yours when you get that look.'

"Stop," I said he laughed. But averted his gaze downward none the less.

"I want to request a favour of you Tsegofatso." He butchered my name, no really he did. Why did it sound so... nice.

'It's the way he says it.' I shook myself out of my thoughts and bitch slapped my hormones. 'Focus'.

"Request a favour...," I parrot. His bed is inviting so I further invite myself. Folding my legs on it and leaning back.

"Let me...," he smiled to himself as if trying to flip and fold the words he had for me. Anything to make them sound good, "taste. You."

"Like sexually?" I asked  little to high pitched.

"Yes," he said and came to me. He stood before my bed but didn't stop. Straddled me and bent further still. I leant back but that did nothing to avert him no he just followed me.

He stopped when I did. Too close, always too close. I couldn't breathe, "yes but no."

His fingers gently touched my jaw, "I want to make you scream for so many reasons."

The words frightens me, shocked me. But they were nothing compared to my reaction. I clutched my thighs together and let my lips part as he got closer. His fingers trailed downward until my neck was firmly in his grasp.

He squeezed lightly, "just a little taste..."

He kissed me. His attentions where bruising, aggressive, intense. He licked my bottom lip and I jumped in surprise. He smile at that... I felt it on his lips. He bit down on the lip until he drew blood and sucked hard.

His tongue delved inward, his grip on my neck keeping me close. Every moment brought the grip tighter until I felt suffocated. He was suffocating me. He drew back and I immediately took in a laboured breathe.

My blood was on his lip. I watched as his tongue darted out and licked across the lip slowly.

"Mhm," the groan was inhuman. Satisfied but when his eyes opened to mine I saw a hunger that promised it would never be satiated.

"I... I...," he chuckled fingers undoing the buttons of my pants.

"I can make you feel so good Tsegofatso."

We were so close that he could swallow the moan that escaped me. His nose brushed my cheek as his fingers dipped into my underwear. My hand on instinct  landed on his wrist as if to stop him.

He didn't stop, a finger slid into me and my breathe hitched, "I..."

"Shh," he captured my lips and his fingers began to move inside me. Not one touch was gentle, reverent or affectionate. It felt like he was trying to destroy me.

...I ... I. His lips released mine and went to the same spot on my neck he seems to constantly run his nose along whenever he was close to me. He bit down so hard a scream escaped me.

He inserted two more fingers. I moaned and clutched his shoulders as he sucked on abused skin of my neck. It hurt, it burned and then it didn't. Pleasure flooded through me. His fingers arched right then and there anf pushed me off the edge. I orgasmed but his fingers still fucked my soaked pussy.

The high was blinding, "I...," his lips left my neck and his warm tongue licked the spot, "I...,"

"What is it?"

"Like it." 'I liked what he did.'

I liked what he was doing to me... 'what the hell is wrong with me."

"I'm glad."

He drew me to his chest just as I balled into myself. I felt so fragile. So brittle and unprotected. I just wanted to hide myself. To disappear.

"Sleep now Angel."

I felt so ashamed.

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