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i woke up in a cot i was confused for a second then i remembered yesterday 'so it wasn't a dream' i couldnt do anything else so i thought 'skills'

unlocked at age five:???

observe lvl 2

gamers mind lvl MAX

gamers body lvl MAX

magic skills

unlock at age five:???


unlocked at age five:??? (requirments ???)

unlcked at age five:???

fire manipulation/creation

info:the power of fire can range from keeping oneself warm to destroying a city most use fire magic close to mid range attacks fire magic is not very precise which is why most coat themselves in it to use melee attacks note. fire magic will be unlocked at age five like everyone else until then you will be magicless

why are all my skills qustion marks. i think i should make some now skills but how will i do that? hmm maybe i could do some exploring no they wont let a baby out of there sight ill need to wait till i can walk so i can sneak out at night ive seen someting like this before i wonder...'query can i go on auto pilot for a specific amount of time?'

a blue screen apperaed and it read no the gamer cannot go on auto pilot well there goes my plan i'll need to try to walk to the best of my ability's i got up from from my laid down position it was impossible to walk the way i am now i'll need to drag myself for the time being i crawled to the side of the cot i tried to lean against the cot to get up but i just couldn't do it so i did something that destroyed my manhood...i cried as loud as i could i screamed for the sisters to come in soon enough the door swung ope and sister helen walked in she leaned down towards me picked me up rubbed my cheeks with the back of her hand and started rocking me making a shushing sound i gave it a couple seconds before i stopped crying she walked out of the room with me still in her arms sat me down at a table and began feeding me some paste that didn't taste to bad all things considered i used observe on the food and it said herbal paste info: a mix of herbs to feed to babies as they have no teeth to chew any regular food basic cooking lvl 2 and basic alchemy lvl 1 ah i see the alchemy must be for tracking the herbs and the cooking must be for preperation i still need to find out about my race a blue screen suddenly pops up in front of me

quest name:what am i? info: find out what youre race is


50,000 exp

2 level 10 skill scrolls

1 legendary skill book

1 new affinity

500 gold coins(50,000 pounds)

time limit:6 years

woah i didn't think THIS was going to be my first quest im gnna need to do some research on the races of this world i hope theres a library somewhere or i'll have a problem completing this quest i just finished my dinner when i heard someone shouting for helen it looks like this is going to be interesting

timeskip (1 year)

i was sitting at the table outside (now that y/n is old enough he sits with the other kids outside) i was getting up to bring my plate inside when i was pushed down from behind i turned around and there was some kid laughing at me along with two others "whar do you want " i asked iritated "nothing much l/n just wanted to make sure you know you're place" he said with a stupid grin i used observe on him

name: flash thompson(yea i named him after the bully from spider man big whoop wanna fight about it)



title:bully(the reason this wasnt in the last one was because i forgot but in the story its because observe wasnt a high enough level)+5 to strength-5 to int

magic:earth magic/steel creation

affinity:earth magic

fame:bully/bad kid









info:flash was an orphan frome birth his mother died giving berth and his father didn't want him after that so he dumped him in the church flash uses his magic as a way of threatening the other kids into giving him the money they get for there jobs he uses his magic enough so he has control over nearby metal (mostly steel as it is more common and easier to control than others) the kids never tell on him as he will just hurt them after his punishment is over

current view on you:weak/below him in the food chain

i hadnt checked my stats in a while so stats

name: y/n l/n


job:water boy (1 bpj stands for bronze per jug)

title:waterboy info:+1 to dex while fetching water



fame:water boy/bookworm








info:y/n is the son of human ? and ??? ? due to being part ? y/n gets +10 to all stats and +100 to mp and hp(another thing i forgot)

im fucked im only 2 how am i gonna beat him he's at least 5 and beats me in all stats im fucked i get up and say "what do you want" he still had that stupid cocky grin "i hear you're a waterboy i'm gonna need you're money" i got an idea "fine here" i said as sadly as i could he smirks i walk up to him reach into my pocket got a couple bronze cioins out(1 pound each)made a fist with them still in hand and punched him with all my strength he stumbles before he can recover i run at him again and punch him this time he goes down before i can get on top of him one of his goons punch me hp 190/200 i recover and punt him in the knee he falls and i punch him coins still in hand he drops i feel a kick to the back of my leg i drop onto one of my knees and felt a punch to the back of my head i drop and turn on my back to see him getting on top of me and start swinging wildly i saw an opening and punch him in the ribs winding him i push him off me and stand up hp 110/200 i get hit in the chest by a pillar made out of dirt i get launched as i land i roll over to dodge another one and run at him i can tell when a pillars coming because of how slow they are and th wy his eyes shoot to the spot its coming from i leap and punch him in the face breaking his nose he land i look at my hp 60/200 that one pillar did 50 damage i notice him moving so i kick him over his bodyguards arent here to stop me this time as i jump on top of him wailing down at i felt my eyes burn as i strike down with a new found strength blood was everywhere as i kept striking until i felt overcome by fatigue as i collapse in a pool of blood i looked around everyone looked horrofied i felt my eyes closing as i drift away

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