chapter 7

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we were walking to a cave somewhere in the forest it was huge there were pathways that lead all over the place i looked at the hellhound i was following and said "what is you're name girl" she looked surprised that i would use a respectfull tone "bella my liege" "well bella is there a place i could make an announcement?" "of course sir i'll lead you there" i used observe on her



job:kings guard









info:bella was abandoned by her mother at birth the reason why she left is uknown all bella knows about her mother is her scent the previous king didn't like her going as far as to send her to fight with a small amount of recruits it was just motivation for her to get back home

so she was hated by most of the hellhounds "here is the podium my king(it's more like a hole in the cave wall to talk through) i looked down to see all of the hellhounds below me except for the two behind me "hello my people i am you're new king y/n" at this many bowed except the bigger ones and of course the bitch and her son i looked at them"is there a reason you do not bow to you're king" the big ones who didn't bow turned to look at the biggest he was the size of a bus the most wolflike hellhound i've ever seen red eyes and a three clawed scar across his left eye and he looked intimidating obviously he was the leader of this little group "we do as we want my king" he said the last part like a threat and as the king i couldn't let it slide "and who are you wolf "

he growled many of the wolves trembled at the sound he slowly walked forward "farouk let us do what we wanted on the agreement we don't challenge him" "i am not farouk" i said simply "obviously" i jumped through the hole and landed in front of him i activated scarlet eyes and fear i walked closer to him "so do you challenge me wolf" i said with a growl he didn't look scared simply impressed 'i guess we're equals' he bared his teeth at me and lunged i did the same and scratched at his neck he growled and jumped back we started circling eachother the hellhounds backed up to give us room we charged eachover he got on his back legs i jumped up and caught his neck in my mouth and bit down he howled in pain

and scratched my face i pushed him back he fell ion his back i put my paws on his chest and said "yield wolf" he growled and rolled me so he was on top "never mutt " i rolled him over we were a blur of black and white finally i got a lucky scratch on his neck and he fell there was blood everywhere he was on the ground unconscious breathing heavy everyone else was silent i said "anyone else" of course one moron stepped forward "i challenge you for my father"and with that the pup charged me and ran right into me and bit me barely drawing blood so i did the only logical thing and put his moth in mine and bit downcrushing his skull in my jaws

"NOO!" then she charged me so i roared in her face and she stopped in her tracks "he challenged me the fight only ends when someone yields or is unable to continue fighting now" i looked to the rest of the hellhounds "anyone else" i said activating scarlet eyes and fear no one moved frozen in fear "now then i will be back tomorow" "uhm my liege the king usually sleeps in his chambers where you just jumped from" said bella hesitantly "no thank you bella i will sleep where i usually do tomorrow i will come back and we will talk" then i started walking away back home to my room to rest for tomorrow 'i think it will be interesting'

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