Good dream😴 turned into Nightmare 😱

18 2 7


Bold= Dream

Normal= Not Dream


I HAVE ABSOLUTELY ZERO CLUE HOW THIS DREAM CAME INTO MY BRAIN ONE NIGHT BUT IT DID. Ps it probably happened when i was about......8 ½? i'm not sure...

so i was with my mom and we were walking around this village and now, thinking back, i realize it kinda looked like Greece. anyway so randomly we were teleported to like.....a party? and it was pretty there were no walls (like,not even pillars!), a tarp as a ceiling, and it.....was as large as a basketball court. also....there was....cheese.this party was basically celebrating CHEESE. there was cheese EVERYWHERE!!!! WE WERE IN A FLIPPIN' PARADISE!!!! (we are french so we LOVE cheese). but there was also a pit....right in the center. and everyone acted as if it wasn't there. it didn't come up in the conversation, nobody even glanced at it! so me and my mom were talking with some other people about...(can u guess?) CHEESE!! when i glanced at the pit and saw a person hanging from the edge. nobody else seemed to notice, so it was up to me to be the HERO!!! (lol) i ran to the edge and pulled the person up. put for some reason i ended up hanging from the edge!! obviously i started calling to my mom to help me, but she didn't even turn around!! and nobody else came to help me! the edge finally came apart and i started falling. so there i was: falling,screaming,and crying.

i woke up. 

thankfully even after that i still love cheese. and i'm still not afraid of heights. for some reason.


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